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Reply 1
what is it? lol sorry if i sound like an idiot....
Ive never even heard of corset training. Please explain what it is?
Reply 3

Corset training is basically where you wear a corset, tightening it weekly/monthly in order to create an hour glass figure. It changes the way in which your ribs and internal organs sit, hense allowing your waist to become smaller - the current record holder has a 14" waist!

I'm not looking to go quite that small - 18" would be perfection though =)

i've seen some horrendous images, of people who take it scarily far. but in general i think corsets are sexy. i just can't afford one
Oh. Does it hurt? And do you have to wear it all the time?
Reply 6
Corset training is basically where you wear a corset, tightening it weekly/monthly in order to create an hour glass figure. It changes the way in which your ribs and internal organs sit, hense allowing your waist to become smaller - the current record holder has a 14" waist!

I'm not looking to go quite that small - 18" would be perfection though =)


does it not do your ribs/organs any damage then??
Urgh?! 18"? I'm 28/30 at the moment and that's pretty damn small for a guy.

Just thinking of waists below 20" just makes me feel a bit weird :tongue:
Reply 8
this sounds exciting :smile: so it works.... why did you decide to start doing it?
Reply 9

Silver Fox


that's like a four inch waist!
Reply 11
Oh. Does it hurt? And do you have to wear it all the time?

It pinches but if you do it as a gradual thing, rather than rushing it you don't get much, if any pain at all.


Reply 12
Aslong as you don't go this far, it may look nice.
Reply 13
does it not do your ribs/organs any damage then??

It would do if you rush the process, but because it's a gradual changing of your body structure it doesn't cause any damage at all - well as far as the research I did before I began corset training told me.

Reply 14
Silver Fox


=) I'm not looking to go that small. I do agree with you though, thats not very attractive.

Reply 15
this sounds exciting :smile: so it works.... why did you decide to start doing it?

It is exciting =)
I decided to start doing it because my aunt has been corset training for about 10 years now, she looks amazing. It was a real inspiration for me, so after an awful lot of research and a small fortune later to get a custom corset made I took my first steps into my training =)

Reply 16
=) I'm not looking to go that small. I do agree with you though, thats not very attractive.


Looking at your profile picture. Don't worry about the corset training.. I wouldn't turn you down as you are :wink:
Ooh I read about this a while ago! Sounds interesting. Good luck with your quest to 18''!
you got a picture of what its like now?
Reply 19
Just please don't do it so much you damage your body. You're gorgeous already!