What board are you on for art?
I got an A* for GCSE and A of AS level so here it goes
If it's aqa think of your work in 4 areas (I'm pretty sure this will be similar for most boards but for a level and gcse I was son AQA)
RESEARCH - this includes sketches, initial drawings, photographs, drawing from your photographs, collecting any information you may need for your project.
ARTISTS - here find artists you like and that will influence your style and subject matter in your project, find their work, print it off, write a small biography, copy a piece of their work then do a piece of work in the style of the artist, do this for 2 or 3 artists
DEVELOPMENT - this is where you need to experiment with materials and compositions, try mixing different elements of your artists influence, using different media in your work but make sure all of this branches off from your research, if your a dab hand at Photoshop, do some photoshop work here, and come up with about 4 different ideas for your final piece
FINAL PIECE - basically do one of your compositions in big!
ANNOTATIONS - through your work you should annotate to show a clear path from beginning to end, saying WHY you did things and WHY you like them/ dislike them not WHAT you did or HOW as the examiner can see this for themselves
So for example, for self identity:
1. do a shoot of yourself, print off the pictures on a contact sheet and then select your favourite to print off large, annotate the contact sheet
2. do GOOD tonal drawings from these pictures (make sure these are to a good standard) you'll need 4-8 of these
3. Look at 2-3 artists copying at least one of their pieces directly with a small biography and then say WHY you like their work.
3. Recreate, say, 4 of these images in 2-4 different media 1 in the style of each artist you've looked at
4. Look at other elements, what do you want in the background? how are you going to arrange the pictures? are you going to have more than one image? etc. etc. try out layering, background etc. so you have 6-10 different 'experiments'
5. Pick your favourite media/style and favourite form the experiments and produce 4 different compositions moving around images etc.
6. FINAL PIECE no larger than A1
Do you see how this flows? showing a clear journey from the start of the project to the end? That is what your trying to achieve to get the best grades.
I'm afraid this is the only advice I can give you as the ideas have to be your own, everyone likes different styles of work and different artists and works differently, unfortunately art isn't a simple subject with a right and wrong answer.
Try and aim for what I have just told you, if you mount your work onto A1 sheets, you should try and aim for 2-3 sheets of research, 2ish sheets of artist stuff, 3-4 sheets of development, 1 sheet for compositions and then your final piece.
Good luck!!
Seeing as you only have 5 weeks to get everything done, you may not get everything I've written here done, try and aim to do as much as possible but in the end it comes down to quality and make sure your work flows from start to end and shows a clear journey.
ps. I may have said to do a little too much as I'm an A level art student but my sister is doing GCSE is this is pretty much what she has done to get an A