The Student Room Group

Girls like Juno

Feel free to move this General if it's more appropiate.

Anyway... having seen Juno a while ago and, more recently, Ghost World, I'm wondering... where the hell are all these quirky, confident, intelligent, creative, weird girls hiding? Do they exist at all? Or only in America?

Have you ever met a girl like Juno*? Are you one yourself? Do you find yourself more attracted to fictional characters than real people?

On the other hand, I also find the character Gretchen in Donnie Darko very attractive... messed up girls ftw!

*Yeah, I know she's 16 in the film, and even the actress who plays her is younger than me.

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isn't personality an individual can't find one who is exactly like juno personality wise etc cause everyone is different, one of the wonders of life.
Reply 2
Well everything that she says in the film is scripted :rolleyes:

Quality film though, love the soundtrack oddly enough too.
Reply 3
having looked at your avatar, your name, your signature and this post, my conclusion: you are a bit weird.
*Yeah, I know she's 16 in the film, and even the actress who plays her is younger than me.

Ellen Page is 21 though so I think liking her is acceptabe lol.

I think there are girls like that - I know quite a few. =D
Quality film though, love the soundtrack oddly enough too.

I've got the soundtrack. Downloaded it a while back. I love. Especially 'LooseLips' lol!
Reply 6
Altough I love this film, you've got to remember that everything she says is scripted...
Reply 7
I know it's all scripted, but it's not the actress I like, it's the character!
Reply 8
Scriptwriters live out their dream teenage years vicariously through their characters. These self assured and witty kids don't exist, and I LOLed heartily when I saw an interview with the woman who wrote the screenplay for Juno and she was saying how she based her on, well, her.
Reply 9
I've got the soundtrack. Downloaded it a while back. I love. Especially 'LooseLips' lol!

I bought it for my girlfriend, we've listened to it loads, it's great. Loose Lips is pretty damn catchy.

How cool is Bleeker (sp?)? "Actually, I try really hard."
Ive never met anyone with a similar personality to the girl in the film.
Whilst I thought the film was good, I found her personality in the film pretty annoying and was wanting her to shut up alot- especially at the beginning, so the fact that I havent met anyone like that is a good thing :biggrin:
Reply 11
Its called exploring life more than just knowing the locals :rolleyes:
Reply 13
I'm dating a "quirky, confident, intelligent, creative, weird girl" and she's in N.I. so they do exist. :proud:
well I'm messed up, but unfortunately not really any of the rest of it.

I do know a girl who's very much like juno though, cept if she got pregnant she wouldn't be put off an abortion by fingernails. and actually, she wouldn't get pregnant because she's gay.
I know a girl who's quite like Juno. She's witty as hell, very confident, and happy with being her quirky self.

The movie IS scripted, though, so her witty one-liners aren't normal conversation.

But, I have to say, the actress Ellen Page is SO MUCH like Juno. From interviews and stuff, she seems to funny and intelligent and self-deprecating. I have a huge, huge crush on her.
Reply 16
I'm pretty sure punktopia knows that Juno is actually an actress named Ellen Paige who's merely presenting a script, no need to point out the obvious people :p:

It's definitely possible to find a girl like "Juno", though it wouldn't be as obvious because all of the moments in Juno highlight her qualities (it's hard to explain, but if they filmed the average day of Juno she wouldn't seem as fascinating obviously).
You seem to be judging it more by dress, style and general 'quirkiness' than the characters' personalities, because Birch in Ghostworld wasn't half as witty as Juno was in.... Juno.

Anyway, I sort of know how you feel, but it's just lust. If anyone knows someone like John Cusack's character in High Fidelity, let me know. In fact, John Cusack will do, too.
I thought the thread was going to be about this Juno: :juno:

I have been likened to Gretchen from Donnie Darko :ninja: ... but that was quite a long time (years and years) ago, so I don't think it really applies anymore.
Reply 19
where the hell are all these quirky, confident, intelligent, creative, weird girls hiding? Do they exist at all? Or only in America?

We're living on the moon.

Seriously, guys don't want girls who are quirky!