The Student Room Group
I'm no sure on the condom issue but In my opinion it's due to the foreskin being tooo tight while he enters you thats making him tear.It happened with with my boyfriend and I. Just make sure you both use lots of lube and keep the foreskin loose.
Reply 2
It could just be that you were slightly to vigorous as that can cause damage and bleeding sometimes. If you are using lots of lube and you don't get too energetic it shouldn't happen again.

Well, obviously a condom is going to help prevent that sort of injury... but there's no reason it has to happen when you don't use them. Lube up! Also, you know, there seems to be a general consensus that girls need foreplay (which is fine by me; I enjoy it), but if you go down on him (pre-sex) for a while, then that's going to ease things in nicely too!
Reply 5
Yes, condoms can hold the foreskin forwards in place more, reducing the tension on the frenulum (banjo string). Let it heal up, and use a bit of lube in future. If it happens again, let it heal then pop along to:

That explains how to stretch the frenulum, so it'll have a bit more give in it - some men have a short frenulum, so need to work on it a bit to prevent it from snapping.
Haha, the old Frenulum Breve. :biggrin:

It is painful - happened so someone in my year whilst he was knobbing his girlfriend. :biggrin: :eek:
Reply 7
sometimes it just happens. not alot you can do about it other than take it easy. which isnt always as fun :p:
Is your banjo string meant to snap or rip?