The Student Room Group

how to beat driving test nerves....

i've got my second driving test tomorrow!!! and im already feeling really worried about it! i know i've got the skills to pass but its my nerves which make me do silly mistakes and thats how i failed last time! i had a lesson this morning and i did few mistakes which would fail me!! a couple of weeks i was more relaxed and did a driving lesson with no mistakes! all the people i know have either passed 1st or 2nd time! and i don't want to be the only one who takes 3 attempts at it! my friends have been driving for ages even though there in the same year as me i feel really left out! can anyone suggust the best way to beat stress and nerves on the test day??

im really scared im going to fail! its also the fact that i'll have lost £50 for the test if i fail!

can anyone help please???? i know i've got the skills to do it! i've just got to be really relaxed and calm which im finding really difficult!

i have tried 'rescue remedy' but i'm not sure whether its working to be honest? not sure whether im calmer or not?

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Reply 1
A brandy or two helps to calm the nerves...

Rescue remedy might help, its also got booze in it.

Seriously though, don't worry, it's not a competition and anyone who sees it that way is kidding themselves. A lot of it is luck of the draw, down to how it is on the day. Just try your best and you should pass. I failed my first test on a silly nerves based mess up in the reverse park, second time round and I was unexpectedly landed with the relatives old Corsa. Was sure I'd fail again. And then on the day it started pissing down. Was sure I'd fail, yet I passed. Deep breathing and the likes might help. Don't arrive incredibly early and sit around in the waiting room for what feels like an eternity.
don't worry about the mock test, just about everyone fails the mock, and then does brilliantly on the test! You can do it, you know you can!
Reply 3
The only thing that really helped me was my driving instructor giving me one final overview lesson just before the test. Other than that, it's all about riding it out. :biggrin:
Reply 4
have a big breakfast, then a red bull, then do something to take your mind off it if its in afternoon. then do all mistakes in the lesson before which is inevitable. then remember, if you think your doing something which may make the examiner fail you possibly, telll them why your doing it, you may feel stupid, but they arent mind readers so it will help :smile: good luck though
take a pot of kalms

well mayb not a pot you dont want to be that relaxed at the wheel

just stay calm thats the main thing i think

good luck!
Reply 6
well my tests in the morning first thing and i've got a lesson beforehand....
i tried drinking red bull before my test last time and eat loads of sugery sweets to make me hyper and alert but this just made me feel sick while on my test, which didn't help either...
don't you have to start taking kalms at least a week or a few days before they start kicking in? if i bought some this afternoon and started taking them would it make a difference tomorrow morning?
i'll remember to have a big breakfast that sounds like it might help!
i've always wondered if i'd be better at driving if i drank alcohol because it makes me confident usaually!! it probably would calm my nerves but i don't want to risk it! it would either really help or really hinder my driving!!
my driving instructor doesn't help either as when i do something wrong he says...'and that would be a fail' in the lesson before the test...that makes me feel even more edgy as i think i will fail!!
Take some paracetamol.
Reply 8
Take some worked for me! (I now have a full UK driving licence)
Reply 9
Take some worked for me! (I now have a full UK driving licence)

seriously lol??.....!!
Reply 10
Take some paracetamol.

how does paracetamol help? i thought it just cured headaches and pain...
is it good for stress and nerves to?
Reply 11
chewing gum
Reply 12
Obviously don't take it just before you take your test. Give it an hour or two and you'll be as happy as larry.
Reply 13
alcohol always calmed nerves for me, worked for my driving test :smile:. Just make sure the instructor can't smell it on you.
I failed my first one with three majors, all because of nerves. My (and most people I know's) second test went far better- I knew what to expect and was far calmer as a result. Ended up passing with two minors (which I'm still annoyed about..!).

Just go to your test, keep cool and just drive. Don't think about what will happen if you fail or anything daft like that- if you just drive, and you are worthy of passing the test, then you will pass.
how does paracetamol help? i thought it just cured headaches and pain...
is it good for stress and nerves to?

No idea, but my boyfriends driving instructor told him to take two paracetamol before the exam to get rid of nerves.
Reply 16
No idea, but my boyfriends driving instructor told him to take two paracetamol before the exam to get rid of nerves.

The driving instructor then went on to tell him that if he bent over and pulled down his trousers, he would pass the driving test.
Reply 17
alcohol always calmed nerves for me, worked for my driving test :smile:. Just make sure the instructor can't smell it on you.

normally if i was really stressed and agitated about something i would have an alcoholic drink to de-stress...
but i have no idea whether it would work for my driving test or whether it would decrease my concentration...i know drinking loads would definatly be a bad idea! but what about one drink??
i think its abit risky! but normally if i was this nervous about something i would definatly consider buying myself a bottle of wine lol!!
Jesus Christ people - no drugs, even things like red bull and sweets. Just no, it isn't necessary.

If you don't have the composure and self control to do a driving test then you're not going to get far in life. Just deal with it, take some deep breaths because being calm is just as important as your actual ability to drive.
Reply 19
Jesus Christ people - no drugs, even things like red bull and sweets. Just no, it isn't necessary.

If you don't have the composure and self control to do a driving test then you're not going to get far in life. Just deal with it, take some deep breaths because being calm is just as important as your actual ability to drive.

oh thanks :rolleyes: .....perhaps i'll never get far in life lol....i just want to be as calm as i am in a normal driving lesson...just the word 'DRIVING TEST' makes me nervous...i'm calmer when i drive with my mum because shes not judging me and picking at me all the time and she thinks im over-confident!!

i want pass my test soooo much! i think whats makes me so worried about the test, the fact that i'll fail again!!

lol i just want a miracle cure that will make chillout and relax for the test, like i dont give a damn about it...