i got with my boyfriend 10 months ago, and fell in love quickly.. things were going great, i loved him more than anything and as stupid as it sounds at only 18 years old, i saw a future with him. all of my mates constantly looked on us as 'the perfect couple' and i thought we were perfect.
it isnt that he did anything wrong, or hurt me in any way, but just recently havent been as happy as i used to be. i dont feel as loved as i did before and its really upsetting me at the moment. i seems to be nit picking at everything that goes on between us, and im being really needy. i know that the way im behaving is out of order, but i want to know why im feeling this way? as ive always been 100% happy and always been confident and happy about the relationship.
its little things that are getting me down, i dont feel like he shows me enough affection anymore, i want us to be crazy about each other like we used to be. because... well isnt everyone crazy about each other when they are in love? i miss the random 'i love you' texts and the spontanious hugs and kisses. i know that im being over the top and needy, but its getting me really down and as it does, i take this out on him.. which obviously pushes him further away.
i just dont understand why im behaving this way? or why his affection seems to be drifting. i know that he isnt cheating, he works the majority of every day and has strong views on people that do such things. but i just miss him... we are currently on a break ( we swore we would never go on one of these!!) and have decided to cut contact for a week... he has been texting me, but im determind to stand strong, although its killing me.
please someone give me some advice as to what i can do, or why im being this way? thank you guys