Since about Year 10 i knew i wanted to go to university, and since Year 11 i knew i wanted to study geography - i really couldn't imagine doing anything else! I started researching universities and courses way before most people (probably) - it was, in fact, about this time last year. Well, actually, i started off really slowly (no need to go crazy hehe) and ordered Durham, Bristol and Exeter prospectuses early so i got the 2004 editions. But i really wanted to get an idea about some places early on. In the Spring, when 2005 entry prospectuses were published, i went to a UCAS convention and picked up loads, and ordered some off the internet as well. I ended up with about 30-40. After trawling through prospectuses, league tables, forums like this one (for opinions), review websites, even going on AA route planner and seeing how long journeys would take (!), i narrowed my list down to around 10-12 universities. I was almost dead set on applying to Bristol because of its fantastic reputation for geography, but a visit there told me it wasn't for me, so i am really glad i went! I realised i wanted campus/smaller city universities.
I have to say that just being a member of this forum, and using put me way ahead of everyone else i know in my year at school in terms of knowing what's what, reputations of universities, the UCAS form, etc! My UCAS application has been sent, but most people in my tutor group don't even know where to start! I am really glad i started my personal statement early as i went through about 20+ drafts and in the end i was really satified with my effort and my tutor only had to skim read it to know i had done it properly. It's never too early to start your PS if you know what course you want to do, in my opinion.