I had surgery on my nose after breaking it 7 times. The surgery was septorhinoplasty which, as it happens, is the same procedure as a cosmetic nose job. However the main goal was to straighten it to improve breathing because the septum was too skewed to breathe properly. It involved breaking my nose and all my cheek bones to straighten the outside and then basically shaving some of the septum off to allow it to straighten naturally. Had to have a cast on it for 2 weeks (over the easter holidays so wasn't too bad) and then couldn't play contact sports for 6 months. It wasn't painful really, the only bad bit was when they took the gauze out the day after the operation. Worst. Pain. Ever. Overall though it went well but i've broken it 3 times again since then (all from rugby) so pretty much undone all the work. Splendid. I don't mind it really though, gives your face character.. or something like that. Maybe when i'm older i'll get it straightened again, who nose. (get it?)