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hmm if it bothers you theres always surgery or a phantom of the opera mask....
Reply 2
no lol but i wouldn't have surgery if i was you. you've got to learn to love yourself for the way you are. :-)
Reply 3
i hate my nose, its onion-ish hahaha
Reply 4
mine's big and crooked and ugly and a tiny bit scarred.

but i don't think i would spend the money on surgery because 1) i would never have that much money going spare and 2) if i did have the money i would much rather go on an awesome holiday than have a small nose. :smile:
Reply 5
My nose is massive. But it looks manly and is in sync with other parts of my body.
Reply 6
I have a big nose I hate it but don't want surgery. Its even worse a girl having one!
Reply 7
I have a big nose I hate it but don't want surgery. Its even worse a girl having one!

yea mines like yours a bit Id rather have a pointier one. Not getting surgery I just felt like moaning
Reply 8
i think my nose is pretty big :frown: and although no one particularly agrees i've decided i'm having a nose job this summer, once i pursuade my dad to pay for it :biggrin:
Im not too keen on my nose at all. I used to be REALLY paranoid that everyone though it was massive, but I got over it and now Id just rather have a nicer nose.
But Im no way getting surgery. I dont hate it that much lol.
you've got to learn to love yourself for the way you are. :-)
Why, when surgery is widely available and so easily accessible? :wink:
Yeah, I have a rather large nose. It looks like an upside down mushroom :frown: I get really self-conscious about it, but there's not much that I can do..
Reply 12
god,. my nose is flat and even huge. I wish to have a surgery BUT! i just cant do it coz its scary, U knw that there is a dnager of ruining the whole nose by just removing the tip a lilttle. Ive seen a girl who had a surgery done and she misses her previous nose now - poor thing but nothing could be done! whats done is done ..
Why, when surgery is widely available and so easily accessible? :wink:

Because it could go horribly wrong and leaves you in pain for weeks!!
I would only ever consider it if my nose was so big it was affecting the rest of my life in a big way.
And the amount of money spent could buy you a lovely holiday somewhere. Or a new car!
Reply 14
it makes me feel sick the way they do surgery on noses ahhh! thats probably because i'm so squeemish though haha, i remmeber how much pain my dad was in after he had his nose straightened!
i could never no matter how much i wanted surgery get it for this reason lol
Reply 15
Yeah, I have a rather large nose. It looks like an upside down mushroom :frown: I get really self-conscious about it, but there's not much that I can do..

No you don't yours is fine!!
Thanks, yours looks normal sized in your profile pic too you know :smile:
All the better to smell with.

Hmm, on a more serious nose, sorry, note, I wouldn't let it bother you. Lots of people have big noses and they look fine.
Reply 18
lol Id swap you any day.
I had surgery on my nose after breaking it 7 times. The surgery was septorhinoplasty which, as it happens, is the same procedure as a cosmetic nose job. However the main goal was to straighten it to improve breathing because the septum was too skewed to breathe properly. It involved breaking my nose and all my cheek bones to straighten the outside and then basically shaving some of the septum off to allow it to straighten naturally. Had to have a cast on it for 2 weeks (over the easter holidays so wasn't too bad) and then couldn't play contact sports for 6 months. It wasn't painful really, the only bad bit was when they took the gauze out the day after the operation. Worst. Pain. Ever. Overall though it went well but i've broken it 3 times again since then (all from rugby) so pretty much undone all the work. Splendid. I don't mind it really though, gives your face character.. or something like that. Maybe when i'm older i'll get it straightened again, who nose. (get it?)