The Student Room Group
i haven't had one, i know no-one who has, i'm not going to. My nose is big, and i LOVE it!! It gives me pride, makes me look British lol, is in good proportion and suits me. I don't care if it's attractive or not, I like it and that's all that matters to me. The end.
p.s. i can't notice anything wrong with that picture, never heard of her but wahey she's attractive lol
Yeah I don't think her nose is bad at all. Cheryl Tweedy and Jessica Simpson have very noticeable bumps compaed to her, and it doesn't stop them being pretty.
Reply 4
I haven't had a nose job so I can't tell you anything from personal experiance. I don't personally have a problem with larger noses but it is a very individual thing. I think that the most important thing is that you think long and hard before you decide to have a nose job and that you are sure that it is the right thing for you. Make sure that you find a reputable surgeon who will spend the time explaining to you what you new nose will look like.

Finally don't underestimate the paint that this procedure will cause you to go though so make sure you take some time to think.
Reply 5
i've had a nose job.
i'm iranian, so iranians are known for our big noses.

i was really happy after mine, and not one bit scared for the operation.
really helped me bring out my happiness.
wouldn't change it if i could.
Reply 6
I've watched rhinoplasty...i think tht's enough to stop me having it lol! Altough i have had plastic surgery on my ears. So, that was probably just as icky to watch.
Reply 7
My nose is the worst I have ever seen, it is a really weird shape. I wouldn't have a nose job though I have better things to waste money on.
Reply 8
Someone I knew from school had one, and I guess it looked better! She had quite a big bump all straightened out. Nose jobs are scary.
you look really good on your profile picture though, it's not very noticeable at all. And as jennifer_l85 said Cheryl Tweedy, who is apparently Britains most sexy/gorgeous/beautiful woman, has a very noticable bump on her nose but she looks great!!

I would like a nose job too but I've watched them on tv and they look SO painful cos it involves a lot of breaking your nose then moving bones, and what really put me off - for bums I thikn they get something similar to a nail file and they basically file away the inside of your nose. I so wanted mine done until I saw that it nearly made me cry watching it.

Having said this OP, you wont see all that as you'll be asleep you'll only feel the benefits and pretty much everyone looks better afterwards anyway.
Don't do it, it'll look awful.
I had one. Looks alright.

My old nose was fine as well.

Had it cus my nose was broken and I couldn't breathe properly
I'd love a nose job but it is quite an expensive procedure and I'd be scared of the results

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