The Student Room Group

Will my grades be enough for Warwick Economics?

Hello, my current predicted grades are 3As in A Levels + B in EPQ, would this be enough for Warwick economics?
Reply 1
As harsh as this is, no. Warwick economics is A*AA and applicants (such as myself)/others applying to oxbridge will have met/exceeded their requirement with 3-4+ A levels. Shouldn’t stop you from applying though.
yeah i don't think you'll get an offer but it's not so out there that you can't waste 1 of your 5 choices, as long as your 4 others are realistic
Reply 3
As harsh as this is, no. Warwick economics is A*AA and applicants (such as myself)/others applying to oxbridge will have met/exceeded their requirement with 3-4+ A levels. Shouldn’t stop you from applying though.

Ok thanks, but isn't it a waste to apply to a uni which I wouldn't get an offer from?
Reply 4
Original post by CollectiveSoul
yeah i don't think you'll get an offer but it's not so out there that you can't waste 1 of your 5 choices, as long as your 4 others are realistic

Isn't it a waste to apply to a uni I wouldn't get an offer from?
Original post by arronvelu15
Isn't it a waste to apply to a uni I wouldn't get an offer from?

I think people generally leave 1-2 choices which are considered 'reach' offers, say ones you really want to get which you have/very close to having in terms of grades (say A*AA in your case). Then 2 other choices for which your predicted grades are a match to their requirements (so AAA) and maybe 1 safety option out there for which you exceed the offer (say AAB)

I'd personally go for it as I can't see much harm in doing so?
Are you doing further math? Your EPQ might be a plus if its econ related and you can talk about it in your PS?
Reply 6
I am doing Maths, Econs and Politics and my EPQ is fully economic and I am talking about it in my Personal Statement. Thank you! I'm also thinking about applying to Bristol and Nottingham as people have told me that they accept people with AAA although the requirements are A*AA.
Original post by Jeffrey8770
I think people generally leave 1-2 choices which are considered 'reach' offers, say ones you really want to get which you have/very close to having in terms of grades (say A*AA in your case). Then 2 other choices for which your predicted grades are a match to their requirements (so AAA) and maybe 1 safety option out there for which you exceed the offer (say AAB)

I'd personally go for it as I can't see much harm in doing so?
Are you doing further math? Your EPQ might be a plus if its econ related and you can talk about it in your PS?
As harsh as this is, no. Warwick economics is A*AA and applicants (such as myself)/others applying to oxbridge will have met/exceeded their requirement with 3-4+ A levels. Shouldn’t stop you from applying though.

What if u get the alevel grades but u have a 5 in English is it still impossible??

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