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Reply 1
left ear=straight
right ear=gay

Eyebrow/bellybutton (on dudes)=Gay

thats my knowledge of it
i know!! well, last i rmember is boys can pierce or of both, but if they are doing one then it has to be the left side for them not to be gay.

i don't know about lesbians, :s-smilie: sorry.

but maybe it's not that big a deal anymoree.
Reply 3
right side is gay

also yusuf i like this sig, but i still miss your yay coke nay coke one haha
left ear=straight
right ear=gay

Eyebrow/bellybutton (on dudes)=Gay

thats my knowledge of it

I thought like having an eyebrow/nose on the left made you a lesbian...

I don't really understand.
I also don't give a **** if people think I'm a lesbian but I was just musing.
left ear=straight
right ear=gay

Eyebrow/bellybutton (on dudes)=Gay

thats my knowledge of it


Eyebrow piercings on boys are just so yummy. :teeth:
Reply 6
I'm pretty sure that right ear piercing thing is exclusively for guys. In fact, I don't think piercings and lesbians have any relation whatsoever, so don't worry too much about it.
Reply 7
what about....private areas :biggrin:
Reply 8
I thought like having an eyebrow/nose on the left made you a lesbian...

I don't really understand.
I also don't give a **** if people think I'm a lesbian but I was just musing.

i wouldnt know about the lesbian way of things, sorry.
what about....private areas :biggrin:

That will have to be left to exploration of course. :wink:
Reply 10
what about....private areas :biggrin:

clit piercings are hot.. kinda scred they might just get pulled off in the heat of things though
Thanks for the enlightenment.

I'll probably never get any piercings that require the choice but...
Reply 12

Eyebrow piercings on boys are just so yummy. :teeth:

fair enough
Reply 13
I got told that having a nose piercing on the right side of your nose represents your lesbian-ness! Which sucks for me really as I have a birthmark on the left side so I could never get it pierced! But to be honest I don't really care and don't think many people take notice of this weird, sidey symbolism thing!! :smile:
how ridiculous!!! I heard this when I was in year 5 - ten years ago!! I'm sure it's not still, or ever was, a rule right?? Aaaannyway, I see you want your nose done, I got mine on the left, I know girls with it on the right.. none of us are gay, some of us are gay... just do it wherever you want it.
i have both ears and both sides of my nose.. i must confuse lesbians everywhere :rolleyes:
what about....private areas :biggrin:

Once you've got to that point, it's going to be fairly obvious if you're gay or not :wink:

i have my eyebrow pierced so im a raving homosexual now am i?

i have my eyebrow pierced so im a raving homosexual now am i?

yes. yes, apparently you are.. :ninja:

but i still think eyebrow piercings are so yummy. :teeth:
Reply 19

i have my eyebrow pierced so im a raving homosexual now am i?

You listen to britney dont you? :p:
sorry im being random
never knew my comment would make such a fuss, gosh Dang