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National Crime Agency - Business Support Officer

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Hi All,

Sorry, have been silently stalking this thread for awhile - I just got my provisional offer through after they released the new Business Support jobs, anyone else had the same? :smile:
Hi that's great. No I got an email today saying I'm still in the pool. Can I ask which location that's for?

(Original post by GoodDaysBadDays)Hi All,

Sorry, have been silently stalking this thread for awhile - I just got my provisional offer through after they released the new Business Support jobs, anyone else had the same? :smile:
Not sure whats going on as the email said that we take priority over the new campaign so I guess offers are given out in order of the checks being completed?
Original post by Arif2803
Not sure whats going on as the email said that we take priority over the new campaign so I guess offers are given out in order of the checks being completed?


I'm going to be based in Bristol - based on the way reserve lists work in other government departments they usually allocate roles to people on the list before and during the interview stage of the recruitment drive, so I wouldn't be surprised if you heard back with a provisional offer in the coming weeks :smile:
Thanks I hope so and good luck.

(Original post by GoodDaysBadDays)Hello!

I'm going to be based in Bristol - based on the way reserve lists work in other government departments they usually allocate roles to people on the list before and during the interview stage of the recruitment drive, so I wouldn't be surprised if you heard back with a provisional offer in the coming weeks :smile:
Have you had your security clearance back?

I had an offer letter with post details in december which I signed and returned. Completed the drugs test and security clearance.

I work for another government dept and know the clearance can take a few weeks atleast.

Also saw that they have posted over 50 positions for this role. And a grade below & higher. Hoping to hear something soon!
I already had the security clearance. They sent an email the other day saying I'm still in the pool but take priority over the new candidates so I'm hoping it won't take too much longer.

(Original post by NazMaddy)Have you had your security clearance back?

I had an offer letter with post details in december which I signed and returned. Completed the drugs test and security clearance.

I work for another government dept and know the clearance can take a few weeks atleast.

Also saw that they have posted over 50 positions for this role. And a grade below & higher. Hoping to hear something soon!
Original post by Arif2803
I already had the security clearance. They sent an email the other day saying I'm still in the pool but take priority over the new candidates so I'm hoping it won't take too much longer.

(Original post by NazMaddy)Have you had your security clearance back?

I had an offer letter with post details in december which I signed and returned. Completed the drugs test and security clearance.

I work for another government dept and know the clearance can take a few weeks atleast.

Also saw that they have posted over 50 positions for this role. And a grade below & higher. Hoping to hear something soon!

Thats good! My role we only require counter terrorism level clearance and was hoping the SC level doesnt take too long. Do you also work for another govt dept?
Yes I work for another govt dept in Birmingham so I also know how long these things can take :frown:

(Original post by NazMaddy)Thats good! My role we only require counter terrorism level clearance and was hoping the SC level doesnt take too long. Do you also work for another govt dept?
I also work for another government department - preparing for the long wait as always!
Original post by Arif2803
Yes I work for another govt dept in Birmingham so I also know how long these things can take :frown:

(Original post by NazMaddy)Thats good! My role we only require counter terrorism level clearance and was hoping the SC level doesnt take too long. Do you also work for another govt dept?

Original post by NazMaddy
Have you had your security clearance back?

I had an offer letter with post details in december which I signed and returned. Completed the drugs test and security clearance.

I work for another government dept and know the clearance can take a few weeks atleast.

Also saw that they have posted over 50 positions for this role. And a grade below & higher. Hoping to hear something soon!

Hey! congrats on the offer. I myself have not long been offered a place at NCA, i wanted to ask if anyone here had any idea how long the process for checks/tests may now take from this point on and what it consists of? is there a physical test? the drug test do they take blood? (im terrified of needles), how long does this process take including emplyment checks. any info would be great! hoping i dont have to overcome this fear once again aha.
Hi just to give a rough idea i applied june 2018 interview sept 2018.

October advised sucessful.
Drugs test (they take a hair sample) January 2019
Security clearance submitted end of Jan.

So still waiting :smile: it is a lenghty process!
Reply 32
Need some advice re NCA application form. It states experience then CV. I feel like im duplicating myself. Did you give clear examples on experience or a summary of your experence?
Hi I'm afraid I haven't applied using the new system yet. When I applied last year it was the old competency system with no CV. I guess CV is asking for your work experience? Good luck and be prepared for the wait.
Original post by Kippee
Need some advice re NCA application form. It states experience then CV. I feel like im duplicating myself. Did you give clear examples on experience or a summary of your experence?


I applied on the old format. Just competencies.

I would maybe keep your CV brief as application asks for examples of behaviours.
I got a start date! Have you?
Congratulations. Nothing for me yet but at least it seems the balls rolling! When do you start and location:smile:
No start date yet I'm afraid, but I know they're doing my final checks as I had an email to confirm some previous employment last week :smile:

When do you start?

Original post by NazMaddy
I got a start date! Have you?
End of of April and in Birmingham :smile:
Original post by Arif2803
Congratulations. Nothing for me yet but at least it seems the balls rolling! When do you start and location:smile:
Reply 39
Hi I’ve had the same process June application seethed interview and then successful at interview email. I also got all 6s and I currently work for another government department. Had an email stating all checks completed and substance test was January. Had an email re the new campaign 3 weeks ago however not heard anything since. My location will hopefully be Warrington anyone else heard anything re this location,?

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