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Creepy guy at work

Theres this guy at my work who is really creepy.

He has to be in his late 40ies, & is so leary & just generally makes me dread work. He follows me around all day, makes me do "jobs" with him (He's the Head Waiter, which makes things very annoying). By jobs i mean if all the tables need cutlery put on them I have to do the same table as him whilst everyone just does any random table.
He constantly saying i look good and just stares at me in a disturbing way. He's like this with other young female staff, but i have it the worst. :frown:

This is how the conversation goes
"I'll give you lift home tonight, we go for drink eh?"
Me > "I can't my dads picking me up"
"Ok tomorrow I'll drive you"
"No, my boyfriend wouldn't be happy with that." (I am no longer with my boyfriend, but i carried on saying i was hoping he would leave me alone. He hasn't.)
Then he says "Oh you don't like fun do you? Why do you have to be boring?" It's like SHUT UP.
He knows I'm 17 too. But then i think I look younger than that, which I think he likes, makes it even more ew.

I'm sort of new here, & just hate being around him, he's constantly saying really crude things making me want to gag. He just does things like he'll stand really close to me, hug me, he started rubbing my leg the other day i mean ergh. Mabye it would be okay if he was a sweet guy but he's just a complete creep. Also some of the other male staff give him looks as if to say "Get in there!!" I mean Wtf?

Advice on how to deal with this? Has anyone else had similar situtions?

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Tell the manager about it?
Tell your manager that you're being sexually harrassed? It's not on; you need to tell someone.
Reply 3
tell him hes making you unconfortable.
Reply 4
Get in there
Tell him you find it inappropriate. If he doesn't stop introduce a fork to his thigh.

Speak to your manager.
Its not on, and if you continue to let them speak to you and treat you like that then they will just carry on doing it.

If you don't think your manager would be very supportive just say something like "thats inappropriate" when the leery guy does anything dodgy.
Thats not acceptable at all. Speak to someone above him and let it be known you dont like that sort of behaviour. Be firm and tell him "I would appreciate it if you didnt touch me that way and I dont want you to drop me of anywhere". Just be firm. A similar thing happened to me ages ago but it was with a slightly younger guy I literally shouted at him and told my manager and he never did anything after that.
Reply 8
lol, the title reminded me so much bout this video

but yeah, seriously talkin now, tell him to stay the hell away from you and if that doesn't work then go have a talk with the manager about it...
Invest in mace / kick him in the balls / get your Dad to have a word with him.

Or all of the above.
Reply 10
lol, the title reminded me so much bout this video

Haha I was so thinking about that clip too. <3 Dane Cook
Reply 11
knee him in the gonads. works a treat.
Reply 12
you make it obvious that you dont ****ing want him. the more you're being indirect and passive about it the more you get the rubbing.
Reply 13
Tell the manager and talk to the other female members of staff about it so they know the situation, that way they can also look out for you.
Reply 14
This thread isn't old at all...?
Reply 15
lmao this problem may no longer be an issue perhaps I should learn to read the dates.

This thread isn't old at all...?
Reply 16
yeh if u have noticed it i bet somebody else has!And i dunno, find a new job??or tell your dad to talk to him, he would back off then!
This thread isn't old at all...?

Argentina has always been behind by 10 odd months.
Reply 18
Argentina rules the world thats why we beat you dogs at football, you stink like a baboons calls at the game. :biggrin:

Though our economy is now about as strong as yours :yep:

And your a bromley boy so zip it! lol


Argentina has always been behind by 10 odd months.
next time he touches your leg turn round quickly n knee him inbetween his leg in his balls

but seriously talk to everyone you can parents/manager/staff and tellhim in under no circumstances it is unacceptable and you do not accepte it and want him to stop it now