Do any of you feel really homesick at uni, despite having been there for ages? I'm in my second term of second year and as soon as I arrive back after the holidays I start missing my family and friends from home. It's not as if I dread going back, or that I don't like uni. I'm really happy here, have an active social life and I always look forward to coming back every term. Throughout term I'm absolutely fine, and I keep in contact regularly with my family and friends. It's just the first couple of days back at uni, even if I'm having fun, when I go to bed and wake up I just feel really depressed and want to go home. I know loads of people who are constantly homesick, and/or really unhappy at uni, and I'm neither of these, so I know I haven't got much to moan about. It's the same if I go home for the weekend and come back to uni. It's like I'm starting term all over again and I feel really sad. Then a few days in I'm completely fine.
It's just confusing I guess...I have no reason to feel like this as I love being at uni. It happens every term and I thought I'd be over it by second year, but it seems to get worse every term. I do love being at home, and I am really close to my family, but you'd think I'd be homesick constantly then, and not just for a few days. Rather than the constant feeling of homesickness lots of people get, I just seem to get it really intensely for a few days.
So yeah, anyone else get this?