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shy girls?? pls help!


the girl i like seems to be really shy around me.. but she isn't a generally shy person. she talks to her friend a lot, and she jokes with other guys, but she never seems to even want to talk to me, although i hav heard her whispering with her friend about me, and she acts really nervous (touches her hair, fiddles with her wrist) when im close. other than this she dsnt smile at me, and avoids eye contact..
its really confusing, cos im not sure whether she's really shy or something else, because she isnt shy around everyone else.
she knows i probably like her so maybe shes just aware of me when im near??
im so confused..:s-smilie: and sometimes im thinkin just leave it because i really cant tell with this girl.

are girls that shy sometimes??

thnx in advance
Reply 1
Yes - people are sometimes that shy at time, although it sounds like she may well be interested in you.
Try approaching her and taking the conversation further than your usual exchange or maybe inviting her to accompany yourself somewhere.

All the best =o)
she likes you :biggrin:
if its just you shes shy around then its likely to be that
Reply 3
I used to be really shy whenever i liked a guy.
Then i realised that really wasn't getting me anywhere, and now i have to keep myself from babbling too much. It comes with age, and confidence, i think :s-smilie:
So yeah, if it seems to be genuine shyness. then she probably likes you :biggrin::biggrin: Lucky you
Wow...dats exactly how I'm around guys I have a crush on :redface:, gosh I thort they were pretty subtle signs but now reading it from someone elses perspective it so damn obvious...
yer, i'm a bit like this with guys I like sometimes. it's quite possible she likes you. don't get your hopes up too much though, because there is still a possibility she might just feel awkward around you because she knows you like her.
but good luck - you might have a chance there :smile:
Reply 6
girls, boys anyone can be like that. be gentle with her and when shes not looking start stroking her hair, that will make her calm and relax a little.
I'm exactly like that with guys I like, and I'm really conscious that I'm coming across shy or despondant so I'm deliberately larger than life with my friends when the guy's in the room in the daft hope that he realises I do have SOME confidence. I would say maybe she's not used ot talking to guys, but the fact she can joke around others might mean she's got it baaad for you :wink:

My advise would be to take it really slowly, spend a little time with her initially so she can adjust to you and gain some confidence, crack a few jokes and she'll comes out of her shell. Either that or talk to her whilst you're both doing sometihng practical, that means there's less pressure on her to 'perform' in front of you, and if nothing else you can just flirt physically and throw stuff at eachother etc. Good luck!
Reply 8
cheers girls
all those answers were helpful :smile:

i used to be a shy guy too.. so i know to be patient if she does like me
Reply 9
girls, boys anyone can be like that. be gentle with her and when shes not looking start stroking her hair, that will make her calm and relax a little.

No offence, but if someone did that to me I'd be completely creeped out.

How would you feel if someone just starts stroking your hair when you're not looking? I'd think it was some pyscho person!

(but if this works for you then go for it! :biggrin: )
Reply 10
No offence, but if someone did that to me I'd be completely creeped out.

How would you feel if someone just starts stroking your hair when you're not looking? I'd think it was some pyscho person!

(but if this works for you then go for it! :biggrin: )

hahahaha yeah same here. i'd be like ... what the hell are u doing!?!?
Reply 11
I'm like this when I like a guy :smile: I come across quite arrogant I think heh, but it's only because I'm shy!

Good luck. :smile:
Reply 12
Just go for it in my opinion! Both me and my boyfriend were so shy that neither of us had enough courage to talk to us! It took many months and a lot of cider to get us together. :biggrin:

Save time and let her know!
Reply 13
I'm kinda like that as well when I like a guy, one guy in particular right now...:smile: I just get so aware of his presence and get really shy and nervous but I'm working on it...:smile: