The Student Room Group

URGENT: Non-Academic Disciplinary Hearing (Accommodation)


My flatmates ad I received the following letter:

I have received an incident report regarding the heat sensor in the kitchen of flat x.

As a result of a fire alarm on the evening of 7 April 2008 the duty janitor carried out the required checks in the flats. On entering the kitchen of your flat he found the heat sensor covered. At that point no occupant admitted as to who had done this.

Tampering with fire fighting equipment is a serious matter. I will give all occupants the opportunity to advise me as to who may have been responsible. If nothing is head by [insert date here], arrangements will be made to convene a non academic disciplinary hearing.

Yours sincerely
Some senior person in the Accommodation service

I Sent and E-mail to the guy explaining that I had been away for much of the week leading up to the Fire Alarm and had not been in for most of he day of the fire alamr (in fact I wasn't even there at the time and the first I knew about it was upon receiving the letter)

We then received the following letter:

I have received a report regarding the above, and am now required o convene a formal hearing in accordance with the University Accommodation Disciplinary Procedure to establish facts of the incident, and require you to attend as follows:

[insert information here]

You are required to notify me if you are not able to make this date and time at least 24 hours prior to the date assigned for the hearing.

Signed by same person as first letter

Accompanying the letter was a sheet of paper explaining what the possible penalties could be and they are:

written notification of reprimand or severe reprimand lodged within your student file

Charges covering costs of damage caused to University property

A suspended fine not exceeding £50

A fine not exceeding £120

Supervised voluntary service for fines imposed

Recommendation to Principal or appointed nominee for suspension or exclusion from University Halls

Recommendation to Principal or appointed nominee for exclusion from University

Anyway the hearing is scheduled for later TODAY and it seems that everyone else in the flat is not taking it serious and keep saying it wont come to anything, my response was "what do you mean? It has come." but yet nobody seems to be at all bothered.

This is really the last thing I need with the Exams less than 2 weeks away (among other issues of a more personal nature).

What should I do? Everyone seems determined to stick together and hold rank. They don’t schedule Formal Disciplinary Hearings for nothing, do they?
Reply 1
Is this in Dundee halls by any chance?
If it is then we had the same thing last year, including the hearing or w.e which was just an informal meeting and nothing came of it. I wouldn't worry too much.
we had that when the neighbour complained about us making a racket about 2 in the morning.

We got an "unofficial written warning". Essentially it went on our files, but nothing would come of it unless we got into more trouble.

Honestly, its a formality and you'll probably just get a slap on the wrist
Call up the rozzers and dob in the guy with the shifty grin.
We both know he's responsible.

In other news, I don't see what you're worried about. You weren't there.
I'd be pretty surprised if they tried to pin something on you, when you (in complying with their initial request) informed them you weren't even at the scene of the crime.

Don't give in to The Fear. They'll just try to get you to insinuate blame on someone. And listen to your flatmates- they know where it's at.
Reply 4
nah, it's not Dundee University...a bit further North

Just back from the hearing. This is what it came down to:

You're all collectively responsible under the terms of your lease for the communal area. Those of you who have provided evidence to you not being there are still going to be held collectively responsible as it cannot be proved that the cover was put up during your absence or before.

You have until you hear from us with our decision as to what sanction we are going to take next week for the person to admit responsibility, otherwise you will all be punished.
any news OP?
Call up the rozzers and dob in the guy with the shifty grin.
We both know he's responsible.

In other news, I don't see what you're worried about. You weren't there.
I'd be pretty surprised if they tried to pin something on you, when you (in complying with their initial request) informed them you weren't even at the scene of the crime.

Don't give in to The Fear. They'll just try to get you to insinuate blame on someone. And listen to your flatmates- they know where it's at.

I think the concern probably stems from the fact that if a fine (for example) was issued, its issued to the flat as a whole rather than a single person if no one accepts responsibility, and as such the OP would also be liable for their part of the fine or any other disciplinary action. Thats what id be worried about if it were me anyway.

How did it go, what happened op?
Reply 7
sort of in the same situation.
We sort of trashed our place on the last night in halls, and were woken up by managers at 10am. Got a disciplinary hearind to go to i think, but i start a new job on monday, full time. How am i gonna get off work for this hearing?? because i need to book holidays in advance??
Reply 8
Original post by richyrichy
sort of in the same situation.
We sort of trashed our place on the last night in halls, and were woken up by managers at 10am. Got a disciplinary hearind to go to i think, but i start a new job on monday, full time. How am i gonna get off work for this hearing?? because i need to book holidays in advance??

How did the hearing go..? Im in the same situation right now with a hearing set for next week.
Original post by Scotsman1988

My flatmates ad I received the following letter:

I Sent and E-mail to the guy explaining that I had been away for much of the week leading up to the Fire Alarm and had not been in for most of he day of the fire alamr (in fact I wasn't even there at the time and the first I knew about it was upon receiving the letter)

We then received the following letter:

Accompanying the letter was a sheet of paper explaining what the possible penalties could be and they are:

written notification of reprimand or severe reprimand lodged within your student file

Charges covering costs of damage caused to University property

A suspended fine not exceeding £50

A fine not exceeding £120

Supervised voluntary service for fines imposed

Recommendation to Principal or appointed nominee for suspension or exclusion from University Halls

Recommendation to Principal or appointed nominee for exclusion from University

Anyway the hearing is scheduled for later TODAY and it seems that everyone else in the flat is not taking it serious and keep saying it wont come to anything, my response was "what do you mean? It has come." but yet nobody seems to be at all bothered.

This is really the last thing I need with the Exams less than 2 weeks away (among other issues of a more personal nature).

What should I do? Everyone seems determined to stick together and hold rank. They don’t schedule Formal Disciplinary Hearings for nothing, do they?

All you can do is explain that you weren't there (with proof if possible like a train ticket) and hope they believe you.