The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm studying Blood Brothers for WJEC Eng lit too, and also struggling to find decent notes etc. on it.

A while back I did manage to google a a few useful things, but I just tried to find them again so I could link you to them and they appear to have vanished :s! Sorry.

The only thing I can find at the moment is a downloadable "Blood Brothers Study Pack" on my school's website. It isn't accessible without logging in with school username and password, but if you're interested I could download & email to you as an attachment?

I may also have a couple of other files knocking about somewhere which I downloaded a while back.

I don't know if these would be any use to you (haven't really looked at them yet myself to be honest!) but if you want to pm me your email address or something, I could send them to you?
can anyone let me know the key features of brectian drama cuz i have lost my notes
BLOOD BROS IS ACE. Themes...Nature versus nurture
Social differences in Eddie and Mickey (an opportunity for you to write ******* off in your exam like me...because it shows how mickey's lower class tendencies rub off on Eddie which proves nurture rules)
Context of play. Thatchers reign...mass unemployment
theme of Superstition
Education and how the boys of diff classes are treated diff and have diff opportunities...and i cant remember any others...
Did me good x
Reply 4
The Lit exam was rather easy in the end :biggrin:
what did people think of the poem 'London Throughfare' sorry paraphased in the wjec higher paper sori i no its quite random
Reply 6
I really didnt like it...
Reply 7

I'm not sure if it gives any quotes, but does give some revision notes about the themes, the plot and the individual characters, hope this helps!
Reply 8
Have the English lit exam tomorrow and want to do last minute cramming.
Does anyone have any ideas that aren't in the syllabus that could bump a grade from an A to an A*?
any quotes, themes, motifs, connections.. etc
Reply 9
Yes, a good oppoutunity also to write, 'You can take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut! But you shall not take me locket' - My Favourite line. This could be used to illustrate how Eddie has been infuenced by Mickey. So something - this is Act 2 where Eddie talks to the Teacher
Reply 10
Hi there, I was wondering if you could send me the pack on Blood Brothers, as I'm doing it for GCSE, and I need help on what to write!

Cheers :smile: