The Student Room Group

Large amount of coursework to catch-up

Before I begin regurtitating my dillema as best I can, I feel it's worth mentioning that I'm not sure quite where to begin explaining my situation.

As a student who once excelled in all areas and was renowned among teachers and students alike for being exceptionally academic and talented, I feel I have let myself down beyond belief.

I was predicted, based on Key Stage 3 results to achieve A*s across the board. However, as is always the way with education, other factors weren't taken into account. Not least, I am possibly the laziest person I know and I am very easily distracted. I also have a tendency to put my social life before my education and I let my emotions affect my productivity.

I'm now at the stage where, with my GCSE exams beginning in a few weeks and absolute final deadlines for coursework approaching rapidly, I am struggling to catch up with my coursework and I haven't begun the revision that i'm sure is vital if I am to achieve the GCSE grades I should.

I've taken to staying up all night, several nights in a row to work. Tonight I have done a reasonable amount of Biology coursework, but I'm worried I won't have time to complete what I need to.

As an overview, the work I have to do is:

Chemistry Investigation - To be completed.

Biology Investigation - To be completed.

Physics Investigation - Not started.

Music Integrated Assignment - I have the ideas, but I need to record and annotate them.

Graphics - Drawings and practical 'building' to be done.

I would say that finishing the coursework over the weekend is an optimistic possibility, however as I said, I am easily distracted and i'm sure I will find something to stop me doing the work.

I find it very hard to self-motivate, and as much as my parents encourage me to work I don't think their methods are particularly useful. If anything they are counter-productive. They see the internet, particularly MySpace and MSN as my main distractions so they see removing my internet access as a useful way to encourage me to work.

The main problem with this is that, while they think it will help me focus on the more important tasks at hand, I actually rely heavily on the internet to read up on background information needed for my coursework. This is mainly due to a severe attendance problem I had which meant I missed most of the lessons in which my coursework tasks were explained to me.

Can anyone offer me any advice for getting my work organised, perhaps making a study plan, and more importantly how I can stick to it?

I'm very worried that i've ruined my chances. Is there really time for me to complete my coursework and revise for my exams to ensure I get at least As and Bs?

Additionally, would giving up on my Graphics course be massively detrimental to my education? The work involved in getting at least a reasonable grade in Graphics is looking to be so time-consuming that I will have more or less no time for other subjects.

I'm completely out of ideas. Help would be vastly appreciated! :smile:
Reply 1
Hello! i must admit from what you've described you sound quite alot like me!

Just a few comments, as i really need sleep right now...!

How important is it that you have internet access? You say its to do background research? Now i would and have argued the same thing with my parents in the past but to be completely honest background research to me at least is just another way of getting distracted. I always find that i start with the best of intentions of researching the subject at hand but then going off on a tangent, things i dont need to learns about always seem alot more interesting than those that do. If you're the same, think about how important the background research. If you're not, ignore that point completely!

Secondly, re giving up the graphics... that depends how important it is to you in the long term. If you have visions of being a graphics god with a high flying career in graphics i'd advise against it. If not to be completely honest I'd put it to the bottom of the pile behind subjects that are more important to you.

It's a long time since i did GCSEs, when abouts do your exams start?

Are you still at school now or on study leave? If you're on study leave and if possible it might be worth going into school anyway and working in the library? I know it doesn't sound appealing but firstly it'll make sure you get started at a set time and secondly theres alot less distractions.

It's late, I'll come back tomorrow and see if i can think up any more wisdom!
This probably isn't the greatest suggestion...

But why don't you get a temporary ban from the sites that distract you? Ask your parents to change your MSN password and not tell you what it is.

That way you can still use the Internet for research, but won’t find yourself procrastinating.
Reply 3
Unplug everything.
Get a nice quiet place, If your doing coursework on the computer unplug your modem, lock it up and throw away the key (Unless you need it).
I think you can still get A*s depending on what % your coursework is.
I advise you get started on your physics asap, courseworks don't fully have to completed as long as you've done most things.
Try and get your coursework in by the end of the next week latest and then revise like hell, What I've done is follow the timetable my school has given me (as if it was my normal lesson) so I don't miss anything out I must admit though I don't always follow it :P
You should focus mainly on all the topics you want to do at AS and A2.
All I can say really.
Good Luck. :smile:
Try making someone sit with you, explain to your family how important it is, maybe they could take turns to sit with you while you do it? My mum started filing all her paperwork while I was doing my coursework, and made me explain exactly where i was up to every 30-45 mins. It worked for me :smile:
Reply 5
Well if you think you can finish your cwk over the weekend then get a move on and do it, then you have plenty of time to revise for your GCSEs!
Imagine what will happen if you **** it all up now. Imagine the worst possible scenario - staying at home for the rest of your life, working in Argos full-time, all your mates off to uni and them having so much fun without you. Not being able to afford to learn to drive etc cos that's what'll happen if you don't put the hours in now!!! Make the picture as black as you can and you will find that missing commitment :biggrin:
Reply 7
That sounds like a lot of work to do!

When are all of your deadlines?

To be honest, for GCSEs you don't need to do a lot of work, so you should be fine. I'd put coursework over revising as coursework is 'easy' marks, as in you know what you need to do to get the grade. In the exam you may have an off day or something, so make sure your coursework's good!

Good Luck!
Reply 8
Well at least your'e well
Im in the exact same position as you, only that I have less coursework, AND Ive got a kidney infection... It HURTS everytime I breathe in so all revision plans have gone out the window...
GCSEs in like 2 weeks UHOH
Reply 9
O Guise An Update:

I Fuxed It Up Real Bad. :frown:
O Guise An Update:

I Fuxed It Up Real Bad. :frown:

At least you got into Sixth Form. :eek:
Reply 11

I'm completely out of ideas. Help would be vastly appreciated! :smile:

Get off internet forums perhaps?