damn, thas a lot of emotions in a post,
Ok, thing is you like this gal so much your brain is going into overdrive
you are thinking stuff, delusional,
you are gettin emotional, emotions cloud your judgement
You want this gal, only one way
follow these steps in sequence after you realise the most important fact
It cant get any worse
1. Next time you see her, smile/wink and say hello
2. Give it a few days, place yourself at a point where you have good probability of seeing her,
3. walk with her, and say hello, how was class/ or small talk
4. YOu got to keep repeating it, dont overdo it, dont talk emotional and throw in the occasional compliment for example after you r third meeting, say, you look different, (she she look different), and tell her she really dresses nice
5. After 2 weeks, you got to slip in the , damn we shud hang out sumtime reference
6. After that gauging her response,. ask her if she free for a movie, and take it from there
NO emtional stuff, you can let that out later