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No, but I go there now..?
Reply 2
how is it there
Reply 3
anyone else going there this september 2008
i personally don't like it that much, although my friends are brilliant. some of the teachers are great, some aren't. depends on the subject you're doing.
the college is very much based on cliques (usually based on race) and there is not *much* integration between the different groups.
Reply 5
What basically the college is runned by a ceratin clique or something
no it's not 'run' by cliques, it's just apart from a few exceptions, all the black, white, chinese, indian people keep to themselves.
for example, the main diner is mostly black and if you're not black, you are looked at strangely/pushed in front of in the queue etc. the cafe is mostly white and asian. the chaplaincy is a bit geeky but integrated race wise. the front of the college is a mix of groups but all the same, they keep to themselves... the indie kids/ chavs are by the bike sheds, the chinese lot are by the globe sculpture thing, the grungers are up by the main reception, the smokers sit on the wall outside the car park..
Reply 7
Wow really sounds..... arent there any neutral groups which are not just sepreate race groups
Yeah of course there are, my friends are a mixed group but to show how closed minded some people are in CTK, some girl goes to my (black) friend a few weeks ago, "Why do you hang out with that white girl (meaning her best mate), do you think you're white?"

The whole race thing can be easy to rise above, but by the end of your second year you'll probably be sick of it (like I am) and how it gets ignored by all the teachers.
I got all excited thinking this was a thread about my old school, before I realised most of your locations are London lol...
Can't beleive people so close minded even at this age lol
Can't beleive people so close minded even at this age lol
You sound suprised that it happens at 6th form, wait until you go to uni...
Hey anyone else going there there this septemeber and who goes there already lol
Reply 13
Omg You Mean Christ The King 6th Form In London..
Loads of my mates are going there..I didn't apply lol...should of but oh wells...Its either my sixth form or haberdashers if I get in..which will be hard
Anyone going SFX in London
Anyone else here going there
I am :smile:
so what do you think of it
i'm joining you there next year so i have no real opinion yet

but the open day impressed me nonetheless
how was the open day i was kinda too lazy to go lol
anyone else going