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Reply 1
Good choice - Lonsdale really is 'simply the best' - it's our slogan! We work hard and play even harder!
Reply 2
Cartmel is good. I thought the same as you - get away from main campus and have a change of scene at night.
However, this does mean a lot of walking every single day, and usually in rain and/or wind. Be prepared for this if you opt for South West!
Reply 3
iv just firmed lancaster literaly 2 minutes ago :smile: so now time to start thinkin about which id prefer. think im guna try for lonsdale.
Reply 4
Out of interest, when do you apply for it?

Is it like July or something or should I make my decision now in order to stand a chance at my first choice?
Reply 5
The forms will be sent out towards the end of may.
Reply 6
I would love:
1. Grizedale
2. Furness
Reply 7
The forms will be sent out towards the end of may.

Cool. Thanks.

Reply 8
The forms will be sent out towards the end of may.

Actually, I think it is going to be an online application this year.
And I think it goes online in June.
And I think the accommodation office will email applicants to tell them when it is online.
But I wouldn't swear to it...
Reply 9
if lonsdale is popular and therefore hard to get in, is there another collage anyone would suggest as a close alternative. perhaps with similar atmostphere or with a bar just as lively?
if lonsdale is popular and therefore hard to get in, is there another collage anyone would suggest as a close alternative. perhaps with similar atmostphere or with a bar just as lively?

Every college apart from Cartmel
Reply 11
For non en-suite you have to go for Bowland, Grizedale or Pendle, or try for Furness standard. Bowland is a bit grotty in parts, but on the whole they are all OK. With Grizedale there is a chance that you could end up in the Tower, which you may think is a good or bad thing - some people love it in there.
(edited 5 years ago)
Bowland standard accommodation is what you make of it really. I have lived in Bowland Main where there were a few dodgy bits, but you mostly just put up with them and enjoyed the awesome atmosphere (being on a long corridor and all).
I now live in some other standard accomadation in the form of Bowland Annexe. There is nothing really wrong with it at all, apart from the kitchen can get a bit grotty, but that goes for everywhere really.
Townhouses are 12 to a kitchen.
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 14
The 24 to a kitchen is only in County, so far as I am aware. (Waits for someone to come along and tell me I am wrong...)
The problem with choosing college accommodation is that most colleges have a variety available and it is not all in the same place - like Grizedale includes the tower, Pendle have some houses on South West, and goodness knows who has George Fox next year. So choosing a college does not necessarily mean choosing the type or location of accommodation. You need to be aware of both factors when you are considering your choice.
Having said all of which, it is fairly random whether you get your choice of college anyway, so the essential thing is to be flexible, be prepared to go anywhere, and believe us when you say that you will be fine wherever you end up and you will love your college. whichever it is.
Reply 15
I'd like furness or county i think
Reply 16
24 to a kitchen is no more, county main is being reinvented so it ll be 8's and 10's to a kitchen...R.I.P county main :frown:
Reply 17
24 to a kitchen is no more, county main is being reinvented so it ll be 8's and 10's to a kitchen...R.I.P county main :frown:

So is that all of the 24 to a kitchens being changed? Because thats what was putting me off choosing County.
Yes, most are located near the bar in each college, but there's usually a separate area where you can chill out, play pool/darts etc
(edited 5 years ago)
Standard is great! Why pay extra to clean a toilet? We've never had a problem with missing food, but then again, we all get on really well, so we just ask! But I think there is far more of a community atmosphere in standard, although there certainly isn't a lack of one in ensuite, as far as I can tell!
(edited 5 years ago)