The Student Room Group
Reply 1
iirc you can get stuff from your gp which may help.
I was the same last summer, was trying to wear 3 tops to cover up the sweating. The doctor gives you a roll on which treats this, what I found though was that when the under arm sweating stops, it diverted to my back. When revisitting the doctor, he suggested I put the roll on, on my back. It's worked and my excessive sweating has now stopped.
You could get some Driclor. It really stings but is very effective.
Reply 4
Yep, best to go to the GP. If you have 4OD, find the program called "Embarrasing Illnesses" there was a bit on one of the programs about excessive sweating.

(Alternativley look here:
This is taken from a similar thread a while back, I recommend Driclor and this is what I posted.

Default Re: Wet Patches

Right my experience of Driclor.
God this is so embarressing haha. Basically I had the same problems and now use Driclor.

Yes you can order it online, via Boots or another site. I'm sure you can sort that one yourself. If not PM me

You use Driclor once a night for a few weeks then reduce it until you are only using it once every week. Basically you shower at night, use it, make sure it dries then go to bed. In the morning you then shower and bang in a week you should notice a MAJOR difference. You of course don't HAVE to shower, french wash if you are a lazy pup

You can't shave/wax/epilate 24 hours before or after, don't even try it unless you want your armpits to be balloons haha. You also have to make sure that wherever you put it is DRY before you applicate, I mean dry dry dry kids.

Some people find irritation, I found lots of stories like that on the net and it did make me think twice about using it. However, I have found NO irritation whatsoever apart from a bit of itching at times when I first put it on. If it does give you lots of jip just forget it and discontinue using it.

I agree, Definately try Driclor, itches but so worth it.
You could try Perspirex which is brilliant, you can put it on in the night and it lasts for 4 days and with no itching!!
Reply 8
I tried Driclor, hurt so bad I was in the shower at 2am cos I couldn't sleep it was so irritating! Ended up with armpit rashes (lovely, I know!)
Just to let you know, prob not a great idea if you have sensitive skin.
anhydrol forte.
turns your hands black if you use it too much
your gp will give you that, then if that doesnt work send you for blood tests for your thyriods and if now then you get that thing that electrocutes your handsss