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Got into a university, disappointed.

I don't know why i just do. I feel really disappointed with myself. I've got an offer at a mid to low ranking university and i've had to take it. I feel thick and stupid and i dont know why.

My brother was a straight A student and never failed, hes at gonville and caius college Cambridge.

My dad calls the type of univeristy i am going to go to as crap, he doesnt even like the course.

The university is one of two in the city, i keep on thinking that the guys from the good one will just keep on laughing at us 'thickies'

I'm worried when i get there its just going to be full of brain dead chavs who just like getting out of their heads 24/7.

Someone make me feel better please:s-smilie:

I feel really down.

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I don't know why i just do. I feel really disappointed with myself. I've got an offer at a mid to low ranking university and i've had to take it. I feel thick and stupid and i dont know why.

My brother was a straight A student and never failed, hes at gonville and caius college Cambridge.

My dad calls the type of univeristy i am going to go to as crap, he doesnt even like the course.

The university is one of two in the city, i keep on thinking that the guys from the good one will just keep on laughing at us 'thickies'

I'm worried when i get there its just going to be full of brain dead chavs who just like getting out of their heads 24/7.

Someone make me feel better please:s-smilie:

I feel really down.

Well what uni are you going to and what course are you doing?
Please stop comparing yourself to others. I'm the worst culprit of this though, but at the end of the day everyone is different. You are an individual, and you should be content with your own achievements - and, most importantly, live your own life to the fullest. Your dad really isn't being supportive, but unfortunately not everyone's parents can be. Enjoy your time at university and try and build your confidence - don't keep holding yourself back. At the end of the day, not everyone goes to Cambridge! I am sure you are therefore by no means 'thick' - far from it, I would go as far as to say. However, I can totally empathise with how you are feeling because I am in the same situation. I hope some of what I have said can be of use to you though.
I don't know why i just do. I feel really disappointed with myself. I've got an offer at a mid to low ranking university and i've had to take it. I feel thick and stupid and i dont know why.

My brother was a straight A student and never failed, hes at gonville and caius college Cambridge.

My dad calls the type of univeristy i am going to go to as crap, he doesnt even like the course.

The university is one of two in the city, i keep on thinking that the guys from the good one will just keep on laughing at us 'thickies'

I'm worried when i get there its just going to be full of brain dead chavs who just like getting out of their heads 24/7.

Someone make me feel better please:s-smilie:

I feel really down.

Don't feel down. You may meet many amazing people, love your course and overall think it was a fabulous choice to make. If you don't like it, I'm sure you don't have to stay and you can always reapply else where. Just because a university has a 'crap' reputation doesn't necessarily mean all the people there are going to be crap etc too, right? Think positive! :biggrin:
Reply 4
I don't know why i just do. I feel really disappointed with myself. I've got an offer at a mid to low ranking university and i've had to take it. I feel thick and stupid and i dont know why.

My brother was a straight A student and never failed, hes at gonville and caius college Cambridge.

My dad calls the type of univeristy i am going to go to as crap, he doesnt even like the course.

The university is one of two in the city, i keep on thinking that the guys from the good one will just keep on laughing at us 'thickies'

I'm worried when i get there its just going to be full of brain dead chavs who just like getting out of their heads 24/7.

Someone make me feel better please:s-smilie:

I feel really down.

Who cares? You'll still get a degree at the end of it, you'll still have the time of your life, you'll still be a university student. Now, stop thinking this is a bad thing and start looking forward to it.
Reply 5
Who give two craps about what uni your going to/what people think. As long as you enjoy the course and meet new people and you get a degree at the end of it then it dosent matter if your at oxford or oxford brookes!
Reply 6
It's your life, and your choice of what you do, not your dads or no one elses.
My friend is in a similar predicament, except her parents are very supportive (+ her twin got into Oxford, so dont think like that), shes a grade D student,
So long as your happy with the choice your doing go for it,
Try talk to your Dad and say your different to your brother, and he should be proud of you no matter what you decide to do
Why do you feel dissapointed with yourself?
Your not your brother, and your obviously not a grade A student. But thats fair enough! Not everyone is the same, and you've clearly worked hard to get where you are today.
I know it must be hard following such an academic sibling, but life isnt all about academia!
You've still got into a University, and I'm sure you will have the time of your life when you get there.

University isnt all about league tables. You can have an amazing experience at pretty much any University. There will still be loads of opportunities open to you, and the night life might even be better at your Uni then lots of others (you say you are going to a student city!)

As for worrying about being stuck in a Uni full of chavs...
I'm sure you won't be. There will still be a wide range of people there.
To be honest, I had a look at some of the top 10 Unis before I applied and wasnt that impressed. I ended up settling for Sheffield which is lower down in the league tables but looked like much more of a laugh.

You need to start thinking positively! If you start Uni in such a negative state of mind you'll never enjoy yourself.
Reply 8
The fact you're going to uni proves that you are not stupid! Don't be so hard on yourself, you are not your brother and if we all could get into Cambridge then it wouldn't be that highly rated anyway. Cheer up, and laugh at the arrogant prats laughing at you guys because at the end of the day at least you know that you will still get a degree.
There's no point comparing yourself to your bro. People are different. People have different skills. Yes he might have got A grades at A level but that doesn't mean that he is a better person than you.

Look at the bigger picture. You will get a degree and hopefully a career. University prestige isn't everything.

If people from the 'other uni in the city' look down on you then then are obviously pretentious fools. Just ignore them.
your very lucky to even get to university!! never mind what 'ranking' it is...
you should be proud of yourself for even getting to degree level because loads and loads of people dont get that far!
and only 0.1% (gotta be something like that) even get a chance at cambridge and oxford lol...and its not even whats it cracked up to be apparently...lots of stress and pressure!
if your a dedicated, hard-working student then you'll succeed no matter what university your at...
your dad should bloody proud that your at least going to university!...
Reply 11
You could reject the offer and see if you can get somewhere you think is better through clearing. Risky, but if you're really unhappy with where you're going, it could be worth a try.
Reply 12
Are you really forced to take the offer?

If this were me, and I were dissatisfied with my uni to the extent that you appear to be, i'd do some kind of re-sits or gain additional qualifications then reapply. If you think about how expensive university is, is it really worth going to one you're so unhappy with?
and i dont think any university is full of chavs?!?
i mean the proper the chavs i know could never be bothered with school or GCSEs, never mind getting into an unversity on a degree course!!!
lol really i wouldn't worry about there been 'chavs' at any university....
Who give two craps about what uni your going to/what people think. As long as you enjoy the course and meet new people and you get a degree at the end of it then it dosent matter if your at oxford or oxford brookes!

This is SO true. Stop comparing yourself to your brother. Everyone's intelligent in different ways, everyone is good at different things. The most important thing is that you enjoy your subject and that you are happy where you are.

The bit I've highlighted in bold is also very important. Both the unis in the example make jokes about each other and make disparaging comments to wind each other up, but at the end of the day, most people don't care about who's better, etc. and we all get on with each other. Anyone who acts condescending towards you isn't worth the time of day :smile:
There's no point comparing yourself to your bro. People are different. People have different skills. Yes he might have got A grades at A level but that doesn't mean that he is a better person than you.

Look at the bigger picture. You will get a degree and hopefully a career. University prestige isn't everything.

If people from the 'other uni in the city' look down on you then then are obviously pretentious fools. Just ignore them.

AND depending on what subject you have decided to do, the degree is not the end-all. IT for example is a very practical subject and many recruiters prefer practical work experience rather then the degree (as it is too common)
I agree with the other posters. You should at least try to complete one year at this university before making any decisions and then decide what you want to do from there. I'm not much good at the advice thing but hopefully that helps.
Reply 17
I was in the same position. My parents met at Cambridge, and my only sibling, my brother, also went there.

I got in to a 'good' uni then dropped out because I loathed it. I'm now at Reading (or on a year out from at Accenture - somewhere my dad NEVER believed i'd get in) and LOVE it. It's awesome. When I swapped uni my dad used to tell me how he couldn't sleep at the thought of me going somewhere like that, all this bull****. I don't give two ****s if it's an average uni, I've had the best times there - the people are responsible, mainly.

Whereever you go your happiness will mostly come from your attitude towards it - enjoy!

Feel free to pm.
Oh come on you cant possibly beleive that chavs are even gonna succeed enough to get to uni :rolleyes:

and **** what your father says about the course your doing. Its your life.
Reply 19
Just ask yourself two questions: "Is it a course I really want to do?" and "Do I really want to go to this university?".

If you can't answer both of them positively then maybe taking a gap year/time to re-evaluate things would be better? Going to Uni with no motivation beyond it being "the done thing" or having your family pressuring you into it are both pretty poor recipes for success.

If you can then that's great and you should just try and keep focussed on that fact as, if you're doing what you personally want to be doing (as opposed to just what is expected of you), how can there be room for disappointment?