The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Jimmy: 'I am a barbarian in this place because I am not understood'

A lot of the words are actually significant.. like Yolland saying "I'm lost" or "I'll learn to decode you yet"
Reply 2
there are lots!
I did it for AS
Bridget "it is easier to stamp out learning than to recall it"
Manus "I couldn't - I can't go against him" theme of young crippled, physically and metaphorically by older generation
Hugh "it is not the literal past, the 'facts' of history, that shape us, but images of the past embodied in language"
Yolland "I'll see you yesterday" irony, never does see her tomorow.
Maire "O my God, that leap across the ditch nearly killed me" Irony. does kill yolland we pressume, theme of crossing boundaries/ditches eg language barrier

and so on :smile:
found this really helpful thank you