The Student Room Group

Virgin at 18..

Hi, im 18 at school and one of the last peopple to lose my virginity.
the thing is, im not being big headed but im not ugly and boys fancy me..I hav blonde hair, size 10 and get told tht loads of boys hav sed behind my back tht im 'fit'!
my friends who arent so "attractive" hav all had sex!
what am i doing wrong? i think boys are afraid to try it on with me!
Im goin to uni in september and im worried il be the only virgin there!
I feel ready to lose my virginity..and I don't know why i havnt already:confused:
surely boys wud jump at the chance?
Please dont think im big headed! i jus wonder what is going on?! i wud really appreciate some feedback, thankyou:smile: :suitc:

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Reply 1
Hi, im 18 at school and one of the last peopple to lose my virginity.
the thing is, im not being big headed but im not ugly and boys fancy me..I hav blonde hair, size 10 and get told tht loads of boys hav sed behind my back tht im 'fit'!
my friends who arent so "attractive" hav all had sex!
what am i doing wrong? i think boys are afraid to try it on with me!
Im goin to uni in september and im worried il be the only virgin there!
I feel ready to lose my virginity..and I don't know why i havnt already:confused:
surely boys wud jump at the chance?
Please dont think im big headed! i jus wonder what is going on?! i wud really appreciate some feedback, thankyou:smile: :suitc:

Maybe you're too fussy? :s-smilie:
Reply 2
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that crap.

a pic would help us behold your beauty.
Reply 3
When the time is right you'll lose it. Just not today.
Reply 4
Hi, im 18 at school and one of the last peopple to lose my virginity.
the thing is, im not being big headed but im not ugly and boys fancy me..I hav blonde hair, size 10 and get told tht loads of boys hav sed behind my back tht im 'fit'!
my friends who arent so "attractive" hav all had sex!
what am i doing wrong? i think boys are afraid to try it on with me!
Im goin to uni in september and im worried il be the only virgin there!
I feel ready to lose my virginity..and I don't know why i havnt already:confused:
surely boys wud jump at the chance?
Please dont think im big headed! i jus wonder what is going on?! i wud really appreciate some feedback, thankyou:smile: :suitc:

Average age to lose virginity is about 16-17. Basic statistics suggests that at least a third of the first year uni students are virgins. Don't lose your virginity just because you think it's what everyone does.
theres tons of virgins in our sixth form, most of them out of personal choice.

you wont be the only one at uni
nahh its not a problem, just do it when it is right, you may regret doing it with someone you dont want to or dont feel somethin for them!

are you totally sure you are the last person to lose it your school because somehow i think there are bound to be more people that would need to tbh!

and with uni there will be plently of people id say its more common then you would think!
Reply 7
I was eighteen when I lost my virginity. I'd been at Uni about six months by that time :p: Lose it when the right guy comes along and you're in a happy relationship, that's my advice.
have you had a bf before?

Reply 9
dont loose it just because others have when you feel right just go with the flow not just get pissed and open your legs lol
Reply 10
because you're coming off as exceedingly desperate. have you not thought of that?

My thoughts exactly. I'm 19 and a virgin. It appears to bother other people than it does me.
Don't put too much emphasis on it, just lose it when you find somebody you are in love with, advice given by the hopeless romantic that is me :love:
Reply 12
My thoughts exactly. I'm 19 and a virgin. It appears to bother other people than it does me.

:ditto: to that.
Reply 13
neon raver
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that crap.

a pic would help us behold your beauty.

hell yea :P

but seriously it doesn't really matter what age u loose it, think bout it, sum ppl loose there virginity when they like 30 sumin coz they choose to only loose it when they get married

but seeing as u asked what are u doing wrong, i don't think ur worried about it as much as wanting to loose it.

so ifu do wanna loose it soon, just be flirtatious at school or summin, and find a guy who likes u and just be round him a lot, im sure it will happen in no time after that
Pfft, 18? You have it easy; even if you weren't attractive you'd still be in a better position than most male virgins. If you are that desperate just go out to the sleaziest bar or club in your town, get very drunk, very publicly, and wait for the men to start sniffing around. Alternatively: ebay yourself.
Maybe boys are threatened by you, and think that you may be out of their 'league'.

Then again, don't just have sex for the sake of having sex, you'll probably regret it.
Reply 16
I'm worried about the same thing so I'm sure whichever uni you go to you won't be alone in being a first year virgin. It's silly to worry really because no one is going to seriously take the piss out of you for not having had sex (and anyone who does is *very* immature and stupid).

As cliché as it sounds, maybe you just haven't met the right person.
Reply 17
i dont think i come across as desperate! i keep this all to myself and act like im not bothered at school. i admit i am fussy, but there are hardly any times wen i can be as no boys try it on with me anyway! I always hav that thing with boys where they look at u and then look awy wen u look at them like they are really shy! this happens with some of the most outgoing boys!:confused:
thankyou for all the comments :smile: i appreciate it. your making me feel a bit better!
sorry to ask again but have you had a boyfriend before?

Average age to lose virginity is about 16-17. Basic statistics suggests that at least a third of the first year uni students are virgins. Don't lose your virginity just because you think it's what everyone does.

I agree and to add to that...

OK - In my opinion - there is too much stress over sex.
Personally, don't let someone take your virginity - you ought to give it.
Don't regret it - don't let it be a drunken night to someone you'll never remember.
Make it really special to a special person.
I genuinely hope it is to someone you love - can you think of anything better but two pure lovers having sex.
I am most probably old fashioned in that sense :s-smilie: