The Student Room Group

Duac gel

Has anyone used duac gel for their skin?

I got some from the drs and I've used it for 5 nights so far, and although i think it has helped clear up my spots a bit its also made my skin really dry. I've got really dry patches on my cheeks and a bit at the top of my cheek near my eye is really dry and red and looks like sunburn. I'm not putting any on tonight just using moisturiser but I don;t know whether I should continue using the duac gel or not.

Has anyone here used it and had good results?
Reply 1
Has anyone used duac gel for their skin?

I got some from the drs and I've used it for 5 nights so far, and although i think it has helped clear up my spots a bit its also made my skin really dry. I've got really dry patches on my cheeks and a bit at the top of my cheek near my eye is really dry and red and looks like sunburn. I'm not putting any on tonight just using moisturiser but I don;t know whether I should continue using the duac gel or not.

Has anyone here used it and had good results?

Yeah I used to use it. Should probably still be now, but my skin has cleared up a lot so I don't bother most the time. It's got benzoyl peroxide in it, which is what makes it dry your skin out. Try taking a break for a week and just moisturise lots until your skin is back to normal, and then just start off with a tiny bit and built it up more as your skin gets used to it. And moisturise a lot in the morning to make up for it.

It really helped my skin so I think it is good stuff, stick with it :smile:
Reply 2
Has anyone used duac gel for their skin?

I got some from the drs and I've used it for 5 nights so far, and although i think it has helped clear up my spots a bit its also made my skin really dry. I've got really dry patches on my cheeks and a bit at the top of my cheek near my eye is really dry and red and looks like sunburn. I'm not putting any on tonight just using moisturiser but I don;t know whether I should continue using the duac gel or not.

Has anyone here used it and had good results?

Ive been prescribed it recently, and I'm exactly the same. The skin on my cheeks is gradually turning sandpaper-ish (:confused:)

I only use it on my nose forehead and chin now and it is feeling alot better already.
Reply 3
Yeah I used to use it. Should probably still be now, but my skin has cleared up a lot so I don't bother most the time. It's got benzoyl peroxide in it, which is what makes it dry your skin out. Try taking a break for a week and just moisturise lots until your skin is back to normal, and then just start off with a tiny bit and built it up more as your skin gets used to it. And moisturise a lot in the morning to make up for it.

It really helped my skin so I think it is good stuff, stick with it :smile:

Hey, thanks for replying. Glad you had good results with it. I havent used it for a couple of days and I've been putting loads of moisturiser on and my skins almost back to normal.
I think I will stick with it but using just a little bit like you say, i think i might have been putting too much on before.

Ive been prescribed it recently, and I'm exactly the same. The skin on my cheeks is gradually turning sandpaper-ish ()

I only use it on my nose forehead and chin now and it is feeling alot better already

Yeah i think i might lay off using it on my cheeks as they're the most sensitive part of my face. I'll stick with the cream but its hard, I find having dry skin worse than spots as you can't cover it up as well and it makes my make up go on all flaky and patchy, especially as i use lily lolo foundation which is powder so it seems to cling to the dry bits.
Reply 4
Just discovered.
My duac is gradually turning me slightly ginger.
It has bleach in it apparently.
Reply 5
I use Differin and have Duac for individual spots that pop up; I don't really have acne anymore, but Differin is for 'prevention' and Duac completely blitzes them for me! But I apply a tiny bit and it dries out the entire surrounding area for days, it's crazy.
I was prescribed Duac about 8 months ago and it's been brilliant!!
I get the dry skin problem too though, so I alternate between using and not using. So two days using it then a day off etc.
I've also found that using a oil-free moisturiser helps with the dryness too.
Reply 7
ive just got the duac once daily gel today, just put it on now, makes my skin feel tight and was itchy for the first few minutes but nothing major.

I get spots around where facial hair grows, mainly the cheeks

ive been given enough to last a month, i hope it does something by then, im not expecting a quick fix but i do hope it works
Reply 8
I was prescribed that for my spots!!

it cleared ALL of them !!!!!!!!!!!

BUT it stops working after about 10months
Reply 9
i used to get really bad spots so my doctor perscribed me duac and it worked really well :yep: iv been using it for about 6 months now and my spots are nearly completely cleared, i found that it really dried my skin out at first so i only use it every other day and that keeps the dryness away. i would definatly reccomend it :biggrin:
Reply 10
If you're fair haired/naturally quite pale, i would avoid anything with benzoyl peroxide in it. It tends to burn the skin. That and Accutane as well.

3 years on and i still haven't recovered fully from taking that..
Have you found anything that works for pale skin? My skin is extremely dry at the moment and it's clearly because of Duac. It's also very red, and since my skin is very pale, the contrast is terrifying. Can't even cover it with makeup because of how dry it is.Please help
Original post by stickynotes
Have you found anything that works for pale skin? My skin is extremely dry at the moment and it's clearly because of Duac. It's also very red, and since my skin is very pale, the contrast is terrifying. Can't even cover it with makeup because of how dry it is.Please help

u resurrected a dead thread, but I have really dry lips and eyes now cos of the roaccutane I'm taking. the best thing I'd say is a water based non greasy moisturiser. e45 is brilliant, vaseline and Nivea
Reply 13
I use this cream and it does dry out my skin like it feels so thick when I scrunch up my face it pulls so I usually put a layer of vasline on my face however it does slightly itch but that goes away after a while
Just alternate your skin routine with hydration when need be and exfoliate with aha if it’s flaky. Watch liah yoo on YouTube if you want more information on what really works and good products for dry skin that won’t break you out ~
Original post by ~Sam~
Yeah I used to use it. Should probably still be now, but my skin has cleared up a lot so I don't bother most the time. It's got benzoyl peroxide in it, which is what makes it dry your skin out. Try taking a break for a week and just moisturise lots until your skin is back to normal, and then just start off with a tiny bit and built it up more as your skin gets used to it. And moisturise a lot in the morning to make up for it.

It really helped my skin so I think it is good stuff, stick with it :smile:

Hi, do you put moisturiser on top of it at night?