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Reply 1
i'd ring up and ask.
Reply 2
Good choice, I'm off to do geogy at St Andrews as well..hopefully.
im looking to do geography at St Andrews :smile:
im looking to do geography at St Andrews :smile:

i'm a geographer at st andrews right now (wow! we're like totally twins!)

my offer was AAB, as it was an arts degree. For a science degree, it's exactly the same course; we learn together and the only thing different is the bit of paper at the end, the modules you can combine it with, and unfortunately for me, the offer. Science students only needed ABB (because arts geographers are just naturally better :yep: ) when i applied (last year).

However it may be tougher to get in now as they received about 400 extra freshers this year due to all the people unexpectedly meeting their offers.

However it's definitely worth a try. (I had AAABB AS grades when i applied, and was predicted AAAB but it seems to vary enormously in my class.) The professors are really good too!
Reply 5
I'd say try your best to get the exact grades, cos they can still turn you down if they are feeling a bit mean. Geography is really popular, so i'd imagine it will be difficult to get in, made worse by the oversubscription this year. And apply to the science faculty - i got an offer of BBB =D
Reply 6
Oops, didn't mention that i am at St Andrews now. Just re-read that and souds like im applying :s-smilie: lol
Reply 7
Anyone with St Andrews Geography offers 2009?
Has anyone heard anything?
Anyone with St Andrews Geography offers 2009?
Has anyone heard anything?

I haven't heard anything, and don't know of anyone who has! I'm thinking offers and rejections will be coming next week and throughout early February!
Reply 9
I've not heard anything either :s-smilie: but hopefully the offers will start coming out soon.

I don't think I can stand anymore waiting!
Reply 10

Can't believe I started this post so long ago !! Everything turned out great, and I'm currently on a gap year before reading Geoscience at St Andrews in September. Quo.........I remember St Andrews were pretty slow at giving out offers though fingers crossed..........


Reply 11
Ok, anyone heard???
Also, is it true that Scottish Unis don't like English students?
Ok, anyone heard???
Also, is it true that Scottish Unis don't like English students?

I'm still waiting, was hoping for a reply last week, maybe this week?! :confused:
They prefer Scottish students, presumably, but I wouldn't say (unless Edinburgh) that they dislike English students...I don't really know.
Reply 13
I've been rejected from Edinburgh :frown:
A teacher said to me a few days ago 'well it was always dodgy applying to Scottish unis wasn't it?!' as if I know how it works!? thanks
you should probably think of st andrews as an english university in scotland; if they dislike english students they're doing a VERY good job at hiding it!
What rubbish.

They don't care what nationality you are as long as you work hard and become an asset to the establishment.
Reply 16

Can't believe I started this post so long ago !! Everything turned out great, and I'm currently on a gap year before reading Geoscience at St Andrews in September. Quo.........I remember St Andrews were pretty slow at giving out offers though fingers crossed..........



You'll be the last year to do Geoscience at St Andrews. They've scraped it for 2010 entrance.
Reply 17
Ahh does anyone have any offers yet or rejections??
This is verging on ridiculous, I just want to go so much and yet they dont reply. Lol. Well its only around 6 weeks till the 31st of march, having waited 4 months nearly not gunna kill me.
You'll be the last year to do Geoscience at St Andrews. They've scraped it for 2010 entrance.

Really?! Any particular reason why? I've applied for it, but this and your earlier comment on a different thread about boring teaching is making me weary about St. Andrews being my first choice (if I get an offer, of course...)

ETA - I thought they were replacing environmental geoscience/physical geography and geoscience with a new geoscience course, ala and

When did people get offers last year? The waiting's killing me!
Reply 19
Really?! Any particular reason why? I've applied for it, but this and your earlier comment on a different thread about boring teaching is making me weary about St. Andrews being my first choice (if I get an offer, of course...)

ETA - I thought they were replacing environmental geoscience/physical geography and geoscience with a new geoscience course, ala and

When did people get offers last year? The waiting's killing me!

Ah that must be it, all they did was send us an email saying :
Dear student

The University Executive has reached the decision that the Geoscience UG
degree is to be withdrawn for the 2010 entry.

I want to assure you that this will have no impact on the Geography degree programme. Nor will it affect the current degree programme in Geoscience - commitments to existing students, and to those students who will be admitted for the 2009-10 session, will be honoured.

Best wishes
Paul Boyle

I'm sure you'll get an offer as they really need more people doing it. As for the teaching, it varies so much. It just so happens that the main lecturer for the first semester of geoscience is possibly the boringest and nastiest person ever lol. We've had some good lecturers this semester and its picked up a bit. To be honest, if you can stick it out and graduate with a geoscience degree from St Andrews the world is your oyster. There are SO many job opportunities with geoscience, alot more than with Geography. The oil industry are crying out for geologists, as are the mining industry. Its a very good degree to have, and St Andrews is, of course, an excellent university. I am also biased as I don't enjoy geoscience as a subject, whereas those who love it would probably tell you the department is excellent.