I was under the impression the OP wanted to know if there is any work he can do that will give him the qualifications to get in to higher education (I take it he means university by that)
Well, I know that it is possible with out A levles. I know people like this, who did not do A levles, but did some relevant work, that gave them some experince and some kind of diploma, they then did a foundation course at university and went on to do an undergraduate degree.
I doubt that it would be possible with out GCSE's because at least if you have those it shows you had some sort of bare minimum education even if you did badly, but with out them, I cant see how you would. Why not try self studying for your A levles, if you are commited, and work hard, then you should mange to do it and technically you could get it all with in a year if you take 3 subjects, do AS in january A2 in june! Its not that hard, when you think about it, school is such a waste of time, between all the breaks you have a certain number of lessons, of which you loose over 5 minutes untill the teacher can get started, and loose over 5 minutes off the end because by then you have prempted the teacher and decided it is time to pack up! Then theres minutes wasted in the middle when the teacher has ot try and control the class, and lets not forget all the times when teachers set work during the lesson that could be done at home so that they can sit down and mark homework during the lesson! At my 6th form we had 4 x 1 hour 10min lessons a day. After taking in to account the fact we where set questions to do in class, I doubt there was more than 2 hours of proper teaching time in a day. So yeah its easy to self teach so long as your commited, if your not you will completly fail.