The Student Room Group

I don't get horny anymore

Anon because, well .. who the hell would want to admit to this?

For the past few weeks, I've been sexually boring. I actually can't get horny, I mean *weeps* ... what's going on with me?!

I went to town today and there loads of really fit girls and the old me would get turned on quickly but I felt nothing. :confused:

Guys, help! I'm only 18! lol

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Reply 1
Exam stress maybe.
Reply 2
I bet it happens to all of us sometimes, for certain periods. Just try not to think about it!
Reply 3
Anon because, well .. who the hell would want to admit to this?

For the past few weeks, I've been sexually boring. I actually can't get horny, I mean *weeps* ... what's going on with me?!

I went to town today and there loads of really fit girls and the old me would get turned on quickly but I felt nothing. :confused:

Guys, help! I'm only 18! lol

OMG Geeza u should get that checked out and fixed!!!! :rolleyes:


seriously though its probably just a weird phase your going through. If it doesnt get better though id seriously try hypnosis (my answer to everything today sorry) know......theres the other way.....:wink:
LOL, love the first line of the post :biggrin:

But seriously, probably stress, watch a LOT of porn (?) but mainly just chill, take a break, y'know.
Reply 5
Thanks for the support guys. I've watched so much porn, used lube on my willy for extra 'feeling' and absolutely nothing lol

One of my friends has suggested using a 'fleshlight', anyone heard of it? I laughed when he suggested that, but things are getting desperate here!
Anon because, well .. who the hell would want to admit to this?

Brilliant line lol

You're just maturing. Give it a month at most. You'll prob find a girlfriend in that time.
If you're not feeling horny then why try a fleshlight?!

There's nothing wrong with you, I've been exactly the same lately, purely stress driven. It'll pass, as mine already seems to have done.

I know it feels like something's seriously wrong, it was bugging me too, but I'm sure it was just stress. No big deal.
Reply 8
Maybe you're maturing and have stopped popping a boner at everything with boobs?
exam stress? i wouldnt worry, ull be back on form in no time
Anon because, well .. who the hell would want to admit to this?

You win :biggrin:

The first thing that came to my mind after reading this is: do you want to be horny?
But don't worry, it's probably stress.

Shows how much I know about men :rolleyes:
Reply 11
Why would you get turned on by girls around town? Unless you're in a strip club, or in the act of pulling them... I mean, do you walk around with a permanent boner every time you see an attractive girl?
Maybe youre jsut getting bored? If you watch too much porn/ keep going out on the pull it can get a bit repetative?
How on earth can you not get turned on, man?

Go out and get'll then be reminded what you're missing out on
Reply 14
watch... you know.
Maybe you're turning gay?

(hey, I'm just saying what everyone's thinking)
Reply 16
Watch 2Girls1Cup and you be cumming in no time.
Reply 17
Yea same thing is happening to mee too, i dont kno what it is. But as soon as a girl talks to me dirty, i get a stiffy. i think its a matter stress and try not thinking about it.
Are you a chronic masterbater OP? Do you watch too much porn? These can kill libido over a long enough time period. The remedy I advise would be to give these up, abstain for a minimum of 3 weeks and you will certainly see a return of sex drive, I guarentee it 100%.
Im 41 and my partner of 20 years my mister wont stay hard just goes soft its the first for me im worryed any advice