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Reply 1
I didn't. Though mostly 'cause they don't do my course. And I don't think Cambridge would have been the right place for me, and Oxford isn't great for archaeology...
Reply 2
I'm (hopefully) going to Durham in October, and i got rejected from Cambridge :cool: Must have been fate though, because Durham is waaay better :biggrin:
yeah I didn't apply. assumptions make an ass out of 'u' and 'me' and all...
I was rejected from Oxford for PPE when I first applied last year though, also turned out to be fate for me cause I realised at LSE that I don't want to study politics! :wink: didn't bother with Oxbridge this time, just wanted Durham really...
English ftw. and where else but Durham, when all the b.banned lot are there :p:
i have a friend who wants to do maths at uni and got accepted by cambridge but got rejected by durham, but would rather goto durham because its not so 'over the top' about everything if you get what i mean.
I didn't apply to Oxbridge because I wanted to have fun when I was at uni. :wink:

Note to the Oxbridge students who will inevitably read this and have a go at me: joke.
Reply 6
Unashamedly 99.9% of PPEists are Oxford rejects!
Reply 7
Cambridge reject here...but equally i know loads of people who didn't apply.
Reply 8
Oxford reject here. It always seems to me like it's the people who didn't apply to either Oxford or Cambridge who get worked up about it.
Reply 9
Oxford reject here. It always seems to me like it's the people who didn't apply to either Oxford or Cambridge who get worked up about it.

Yeah, because people assume Durham was a fall-back because I didn't get into where I really wanted to. It just irritates me that's all, why can't people just accept that some people actually would RATHER go other places than Oxbridge?
Reply 10
Got accepted to Cambridge NatSci.

Went to Durham because I ended up wanting to do Economics (possible on Durham Natsci) rather than Physics.
Reply 11
I got rejected by Oxford. But at the end of the day, I'm really happy about Durham! :smile:
if get an offer from durham that will be my firm above the other ones which arent cambridge.
Reply 13
Yep. Cambridge reject and glad. :biggrin:
Reply 14
Cambridge reject. I must admit I was gutted at the time, but Durham turned out alright in the end :biggrin:
Reply 15
Oxford reject a few years ago for law.
Reply 17
Oxford reject. Have to admit I did fall in love with the place a little too much for me to be able to say "meh, I never really wanted to go..." but am getting used to the fact that Durham is likely to be a lot more fun, and the city is just as lovely in its own way!

The weird thing is I applied to the biggest, grandest college in Oxford (ChCh) and the smallest, most hidden college in Durham (St John's), (excuse the superlatives, the meaning should be clear) but have been just as keen on them both!
Applied to Oxford and got an offer. Went to Cambridge instead but sometimes felt envious of my peers at the other unis who didn't have to work as hard.
Reply 19
I'm a Cambridge reject - but to be honest, I don't see what the big deal is, whether Durham is full of Oxbridge rejects of not. Who cares?