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yay my boyfriend gave me genital warts

I've just self diagnosed that I have genital warts, which can only have come from my current boyfriend. Basically I was a virgin he wasn't.

I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so he can give me some treatment.

I don't even know what to say to my boyfriend. He'll need to be treated too obviously, but do I have a right to be angry with him? I trust him 100% so I know this STI must have been picked up before we got together but i'm just so annoyed!!

Any advice on how to deal with this situation?

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talk to him about things like that beforehand xD
Reply 2
He should have told you he had them, if he did not know you should go and tell him HE gave them to YOU. You seem so relaxed that your b/f gave you genital warts. If my g/f gave me them i would not be happy at all.

Also he could be cheating.

I know that he isn't cheating.

I'm not relaxed about it, I just don't know whether my anger is justified because it's not like he did it on purpose and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know he has the virus because he hasn't got any visible art.
Reply 3
Before you say anything to him you need to make sure your self-diagnosis is correct. Self-diagnosing can be so inaccurate, so wait 'til you've seen your doctor before you talk to him.
Then you need to go to your boyfriend and be rational - first thing to establish whether or not he knew he had genital warts - 'cause if he didn't and then you get pissy at him for not telling you, he's gonna be a bit bummed (finding out he's got genital warts, and and angry girlfriend is never gonna be fun).
If he did know then by all means yell at him, and tell him he'd best go get treated otherwise no sexy-time for him.
If not (which is possible, because in people with stronger immune systems the warts can take ages to appear) then just support each other and go through the treatment together.

No biggie :rolleyes:

EDIT: When I said no biggie, I didn't mean that having the genital warts isn't a problem - that's gotta suck, and I hope you get sorted soon. But talking to your boyfriend shouldn't be a problem.
Reply 4
I'm sorry but I did have a little chuckle at the thread title, but I agree with Terryw. Seriously, if my bf gave me an STI, I'd go ape-****, whether he knew about it or not. If he has been with people before, he should get tested before he starts a new relationship.

Then again, I'd wait until you see what the doc says. Self testing isn't 100% accurate.
Reply 5
First warts is not a virussex?

Ummm, genital warts are caused by a virus. It's called Human Papilloma Virus.
Reply 6
So many girls all on their oh so very high horses here.

Tell me, how many of you honestly go and get tested between partners? Honestly? Quit kidding yourselves.

Fact is a huge majority of people never get tested in their lives.. let alone between relationships. Quit going 'ape ****' at this one guy just because this poor thing happened to his GF. If he has no symptoms, he probabley has absoloutly no idea. Could have happened to alot of us and is just very unlucky it happened to the thread starter.

Did the OP insist that her BF get a test before they had sex? I very much doubt it. She is as much at fault.
Reply 7
First warts is not a virus and second what makes you so sure?
How long have you 2 been together and when was the first time you 2 had sex?

'Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are the most easily recognized sign of genital HPV infection'

Been together 8 months but we have only recently started having sex without a condom. I just know, he's a very trustworthy person and just wouldn't.
Reply 8
First warts is not a virus and second what makes you so sure?
How long have you 2 been together and when was the first time you 2 had sex?

Er yeah it is, it's caused by HPV and unforntunatly she's going to have it for life :frown:

I don't know if you should be angry or not, if he didn't have visible warts (and men generally show them less than women) then even if he had been checked they might not have looked for HPV.

You need to go get them sorted asap though, the longer you leave it they get harder to remove.
Reply 9
'Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are the most easily recognized sign of genital HPV infection'

Been together 8 months but we have only recently started having sex without a condom. I just know, he's a very trustworthy person and just wouldn't.

I think you can get genital warts even while using a condom.

HPV virus is such a bugger, it doesn't affect men too much and they often get no symptoms at all but it's a bad thing for women to have ... it really ups the chance of cervical cancer :frown:
just go to the doctors get the treatment and refuse to have sex with him again intill he sorts out his problem with the doctor. be firm and tell him.
Reply 11
I think you can get genital warts even while using a condom.

HPV virus is such a bugger, it doesn't affect men too much and they often get no symptoms at all but it's a bad thing for women to have ... it really ups the chance of cervical cancer :frown:

Don't scare her with that!
There are only certain types of the HP virus that have been linked with cervical cancer, not even proven yet.
And it's been stated that the strain of the human papilloma virus that causes the visible warts doesn't not increase chances of cervical cancer at all.
I dont understand why its completely this guy's fault?
Odear OP - all I can suggest like some have already said - refuse to have sex with your bf until he goes and gets treatment.

However, saying that though you should really have made him go and get tested before engagin in unprotected sex. Its easier said than done, however you wouldn't really be in this pickle today.
Reply 14
ger him tested!!! and yourself too

sorry 2 hear that still
Reply 15
So many girls all on their oh so very high horses here.

Tell me, how many of you honestly go and get tested between partners? Honestly? Quit kidding yourselves.

Fact is a huge majority of people never get tested in their lives.. let alone between relationships. Quit going 'ape ****' at this one guy just because this poor thing happened to his GF.

Well, ta muchly for the dig at me there. If he's had unprotected sex with several people, then he should've gone and gotten tested, because these days you just can't tell and you can't be too safe.
Reply 16
Well, ta muchly for the dig at me there. If he's had unprotected sex with several people, then he should've gone and gotten tested, because these days you just can't tell and you can't be too safe.

And why exactly shouldnt she have insisted on him being tested? Probabley because she.. shock horror.. wanted the sex! Who would have thought that girls enjoy it just as much as guys and also rush into things.

You're most welcome for the slight dig, Your comment particularly stood out for me.
Reply 17
Well, ta muchly for the dig at me there. If he's had unprotected sex with several people, then he should've gone and gotten tested, because these days you just can't tell and you can't be too safe.

its not soley one persons responsibility, i quite agree with the person above, people dont always get tested in the real world. if ur going to get angry at him for giving you genital warts, u should also be angry at yourself is both partners responsibility. (unless obviously hes gone and cheated on you and then caught it!)

you wouldnt turn round and soley put the blame on a block for getting you pregnant would you!
haha @ him not getting an STD test before relationship

I would be pissed if that was me

You do realise that there is no test that checks for HPV (the virus that causes warts) in men? If he didn't have an outbreak of warts, then there is no way anyone could've known that he had the virus, until he gave it to someone.
Reply 19
Ask her that, not me :/ Don't just start assuming things about her and wanting the sex and blablabla, until she confirms or denies it or whatever the case is.

This post is my last in discussing this.