Hi, recently I seem to have developed a problem with maintaining an erection. This is not something which has been a consistent problem for me in the past (happened a handful of times in my last relationship of 1.5 years).
I think I am over reacting to this TBH, but I need someone to calm me down, I'll start from the beginning.
Ok so me and my girlfriend had sex for the first time a couple of weeks ago, she was a virgin and experienced quite a lot of pain which alarmed and suprised me quite a lot (my last girlfriend was also a virgin but she didn't suffer much pain at all). Anyway, we had sex a second time and she suffered pain again, only this time I lost my erection during sex.
We attempted to have sex again a few days ago only I suddenly became very nervous (hands shaking) and could not even get an erection! However, during the foreplay leading up to sex I had maintained an erection just fine, I just lost it when I knew I was about to have sex!
Anyway, so we had a few drinks so that I could calm down, after this my erection was fine and we had amazing sex.
We tried to have sex the following day, but as before I lost my erection as we were about to.
I don't know what to do about this!! I obviously have become very nervous about sex, as drink calmed me down. But I can't drink every time I want to have sex! I really love my girlfriend and everything else about this relationship is perfect and I can see myself being with her for many years. She has been very understanding about this, but I'm beginning to worry a lot.
Anyone have any advice for me? Anyone suffered the same problem, if so how did you solve it? Many thanks!