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Gross in what way?
Like look ugly?
Reply 2
yes they rub against the back of my feet and make them bleed :frown:
Reply 3
Nope. I have a deformed toe (ouch) and they are literally one of the very few shoes I can wear without pain.

The comfiest of all are the metallic ones with little bows on, I have loads of them.
Reply 4
You lot are lucky you even buy shoes in there.

I hate having big feet.
yes they rub against the back of my feet and make them bleed :frown:

My Primark flats are the only flats I've ever had that DON'T do that.
get little sticky heel pads for the backs of your shoes if they rub. 99p a pair at deichmann
Reply 7
try BHS flatties, seriously. They have cute mock-leather and metallicy ones (that don't look tacky) and generally for around a tenner. They're soooo comfy and don't even let the rain through.
umm no, they fit me fine, its just you :p:
Reply 9
You lot are lucky you even buy shoes in there.

I hate having big feet.

I have size 9 feet and i get shoes in there in my size... I thought that was quite big for a girl...
Reply 10
i know what you mean. the soles are made of some weird suede material which kind of rubs off when you walk. i bought a pair for £4 pounds (cos i couldnt resist a bargain) and only wore them once. i admit they are comfy but they make your feet mank!
Reply 11
i know what you mean. the soles are made of some weird suede material which kind of rubs off when you walk. i bought a pair for £4 pounds (cos i couldnt resist a bargain) and only wore them once. i admit they are comfy but they make your feet mank!

Sorry wasn't specific, this is EXACTLY what I mean, they make them smell disgusting after a few wears! Don't get it, no other shoes have had that affect.
Reply 12
Does anyone else find them really slippy? The grip is appauling on them, although at £4 it is to be expected. Despite that I still love them even though I have fallen over several times! They really are the comfiest shoes I've ever had, apart from the times I've fallen!
Reply 13
the grip is poor, but i'm with you on the fact theyre the comfiest ever!!

I had a pair last year which were kind of deminy looking with a white rubber toe and a material boe at the top, really boat-y looking and they were my favourite shoes in all the world... Then i wore them out one night to an indie night and they got wrecked and battered. Went back to primarni to get another pair and they had stopped doing them... So gutted!!!!

However, I bought about 4 pairs this week in new designs to make up for last years loss!
Reply 14
I wore mine to my hairdressers today, I was slipping about all over the place whenever I got up, lol.
Reply 15
I have size 9 feet and i get shoes in there in my size... I thought that was quite big for a girl...

I've got size ten feet and can never find shoes in there, even though we have a huge Primark in Stoke, bigger than London.
Reply 16
I dont leave the house without my flattees. They are so comfortable.

thumbs up for flattees
Reply 17
They're ok, but everyone wears them, so you end up seeing about 10 people with the same pair of shoes on as you when you go out!!
AJKLdbnewrtw they're SO PAINFUL! I hate Primark shoes, they always rub and hurt and give me blisters :frown:
They are a bit on the small side. I'm an 8 in most shops but the Primark 8 is more like a 7 and half perhaps thats why they rub everyones feet and cause blisters.