The Student Room Group

Mate needs some crossdressing advice for uni "initiation"...

My friend had an initiation thing on Wednesday for some reason and the dress code is transvestites. Now he's not keen on doing this because hes a nice reserved guy so he's planning on starting a coup with his mates and refusing to do it. However if that fails, he needs a backup plan so...

Does anyone have any tips on making a guy a girl for one night, but trying to minimise the feminine clothes as much as possible? (If that makes any sense)
Thanks people :cool:
Reply 1
Get some jeans and feminise them a bit (sew on patches and stuff)

Go to oxfam and get a girls skinny tee and wear lots of plastic braclets and necklaces (ask around halls for donations)

Go to asda and buy a halloween wig.

Think Avril Lavigne. Dont wear a skirt and heels as that is a bit scary
Reply 2
Marg Thatcher.
Jacket with shoulder pads.
Reply 3
Thanks for the help so far people :cool: my mate's dead grateful... keep the ideas coming :smile:
Reply 4
is this one of these "my mate" = "me" situations? :tongue:
Reply 5
is this one of these "my mate" = "me" situations? :tongue:

i wear girls clothes anyway... i push the boundaries of whats acceptable on a guy without him becoming a transsexual hehe :cool: girls clothes are cool, why would i need advice? My mate just wants some other opinions... he didnt really go for the "Dress like me :biggrin: " comment i made :rolleyes:
Reply 6
Get a "if only these were brains" tops.
Or any cheesy line on a top really. you can get these for about £3 in cheap shops everywhere.
Some sweat pants or tracksuit bottoms and a lot of fake gold chains with hair gelled back.
Reply 7
My boyfreind wears womans clothes. I think its just so cool.
The only problem i have with it is he is about the same size as me and he keeps on pinching my stuff :frown:
Reply 8
one of the lads in the flat opposite tried on one of my dresses the other night... he then robbed my tiara and wand from my halloween outfit (i'm going to be a fairy) and ran round the halls... he wasn't drunk or being paid to do this

lou xxx
Reply 9
My boyfreind wear womans clothes. I think its just so cool.
The only problem i have with it is he is about the same size as me and he keeps on pinching my stuff :frown:


I have never worn womens clothes! Y would it be cool?
lou p
one of the lads in the flat opposite tried on one of my dresses the other night... he then robbed my tiara and wand from my halloween outfit (i'm going to be a fairy) and ran round the halls... he wasn't drunk or being paid to do this

Sounds like the kind of thing I'd do.

Under encouragement of course.
Reply 11
Sounds like the kind of thing I'd do.

Under encouragement of course.

he didn't take that much encouragement, i was trying to decide what dress to wear for halloween and said jokingly i thought he should try one on... i never actually expected him to... he seemed really eager though

lou xxx
Reply 12
We had a "Hags, Slags and Drag" party last night. The entire bar was full of women! Some much more convincing than others (beards are a bit of a giveaway) and dancing with men with breasts is just so wrong! It was really really funny though. :smile:
Reply 13
what's wrong with your mate? most men use any excuse (usually charity or fancy dress) to put on women's clothes.

He could just go in sports gear and claim to be a female russian shot putter
Reply 14
lou p
he didn't take that much encouragement, i was trying to decide what dress to wear for halloween and said jokingly i thought he should try one on... i never actually expected him to... he seemed really eager though

lou xxx

My boyfreind told me when i first met him and thought it would be a bit strange but when he showed me i thought .......hah, ya bitch, you look better in that than i do
Reply 15
We had a "Hags, Slags and Drag" party last night. The entire bar was full of women! Some much more convincing than others (beards are a bit of a giveaway) and dancing with men with breasts is just so wrong! It was really really funny though. :smile:

:biggrin: it was awesome. Though it was quite upsetting to lose my breasts somewhere on Clare bridge. See photo of alaric in cambridge thread :wink:
Reply 16
You are all very disturbing, both you and your boyfriends. And Mad Vlad, encourage yourself - oops, I meant your mate to resist the - um - undercurrants of this group of wannabe transvestites.

Why is it disturbing?
Reply 17
You are all very disturbing, both you and your boyfriends. And Mad Vlad, encourage yourself - oops, I meant your mate to resist the - um - undercurrants of this group of wannabe transvestites.

Like i said... i wear girls clothes anyway! Why would I need advice!? :rolleyes: I LIKE girls clothes! Better than some of the tat on the market for guys these days :rolleyes:
I've only worn womens clothes once, and am not keep to repeat it.

I don't know really. If the theme is transvestites, then the deal is basically as over the top camp as you can possibly be. Which involves a couple of tons of industrial strength make-up for a start, as well as the most over the top clothes you can think of (think moulon rouge, that sort of look).