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BA Economics @ Cambridge

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Reply 40
I was going to put this in the Economics thread, but then I thought I'd like to have my own shiny new one.

My request is this: can any Econ students share with me what their timetable looks like? It's just that I'm looking to do a little teaching once a week next year, and I'm just wondering if I'd have a weekday morning or afternoon free to do it. If not I'll just do some out of term time, but it is something I'm eager to have a go at.

Thanks a lot.
Reply 41
Yes. For Part 1 you will have around 12 lectures a week. None this year were in the afternoon. You will, however, have supervisions in the afternoon, but these can normally be arranged around other stuff you have to do.
Reply 42
Oh great :biggrin:

That's really fantastic. I should be able to get to work with a Year 12 class next year then.
Reply 43
What would be considered useful reading for future study of economics at Cambridge. Thankyou
What would be considered useful reading for future study of economics at Cambridge. Thankyou

Do a search, there are many very good threads full of recommendations, this is a common question :smile: