The Student Room Group

An idea for my English Literature coursework

I had an interesting idea for my English Literature A Level Coursework. I thought I could write about Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea by Jules Verne, and Dune by Frank Herbert. I could link them with the theme of the relationship between man and the environment. Has anyone read these books and/or completed their English Lit coursework? Would this be too much of an unconventional idea to do two sci fi novels?
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Original post by Cdoc007
I had an interesting idea for my English Literature A Level Coursework. I thought I could write about Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea by Jules Verne, and Dune by Frank Herbert. I could link them with the theme of the relationship between man and the environment. Has anyone read these books and/or completed their English Lit coursework? Would this be too much of an unconventional idea to do two sci fi novels?
Hey, was wondering if you ending up using this combinations or something else?
Reply 3
Original post by Anythingyouwant
Hey, was wondering if you ending up using this combinations or something else?

What's up. Haven't been on student room in years: I'm now doing a masters degree, but I didn't actually: I don't think it was the best idea in retrospect. Instead I compared Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein on the topic of Gothic fiction. Hope that helps!

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