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Reply 1
Hmm, well I'm planning to reread the novels over the weekend and just memorize a couple of quotes. Probably look at a few past year questions and try to plan them out... but it's a hard paper to study for.

Which texts is everyone doing?

Mine are -
Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
Heat and Dust by Ruth Jhabvala
Fiela's Child by Dalene Matthee
Othello, Death of a Salesman and Antigone...

hate English...messed up P1, so have to do well on this one...but have no idea how to approach it. Our teacher sucks
Reply 3
Hmm, well I'm planning to reread the novels over the weekend and just memorize a couple of quotes. Probably look at a few past year questions and try to plan them out... but it's a hard paper to study for.

Which texts is everyone doing?

Mine are -
Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
Heat and Dust by Ruth Jhabvala
Fiela's Child by Dalene Matthee

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
1984 - George Orwell

I figure if I stick to two, I have less I need to go over ha. And our other 2 novels were A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch and Jude the Obscure, both of which I hated and never want to have to read again.

I'm just stuck for how to revise - I'm fairly good at English, but I'm useless at revising for it because I like making copious amounts of notes and condensing them and stuff, and obviously because there are no hard facts with literature, you can't do that.
Reply 4
I'm doing plays..
Death of a Salesman
The Glass Menagerie
A Doll's House

what didn't your teachers make you guys do past year practice questions? probably going to read through the good pieces written by ideas crop up somehow!

banking on a few themes and characterisation stuffs. i agree revising for literature is tough. suppose you just have to really know the stuff in the texts so you can "justify and support your arguments" with proper evidence (:
Reply 5
I'm also doing plays
-The Importance of Being Earnest/Ernest (one or the other!)
-Dr Faustus
-The Cherry Orchard

We did 'The Glass Menagerie' for our oral presentation, can't say i enjoyed it much though, probably because we watched the film version, which was a bit slow paced to say the least! My plan is just to learn quotes and re-read the plays, also memorise everything on sparknotes!
Reply 6
^ hey! almost the same !

I'm doing
Death of a Salesman
The Glass Menagerie
The Seagull

lets share ideas if we're stuck!
Reply 7
Jo :0)

We did 'The Glass Menagerie' for our oral presentation, can't say i enjoyed it much though, probably because we watched the film version, which was a bit slow paced to say the least!

Can't agree more with that!

Jo :0)
I'm also doing plays
-The Importance of Being Earnest/Ernest (one or the other!)
-Dr Faustus
-The Cherry Orchard

I really like the play 'The Importance of Being Earnest', really cute!
^ hey! almost the same !

I'm doing
Death of a Salesman
The Glass Menagerie
The Seagull

lets share ideas if we're stuck!

I just saw the picture of Park and was wandering who it could are korean..have never met a korean before in this website..nice to meet you..which univ you going to?
Reply 9
Guys, I have a small doubt .. When you quote in your essay, does the quote you are importing from the text have to be same word to word ? Or can it be changed, paraphrased?

And, if in the worst cases, you are not at all sure about the words used in the quote.. can you say something like,

"When Algernon's manservant tells him about his 'short-term' marriage, he responds ironically that it is the lower class that has to set up an example for the higher class. This implies that Algernon is ... "

Like without a proper proper quote, but you just mention what the character said .. is that ok ??
Reply 10
Hey im doing

1984 Orwell
Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys
5th child - doris lessing
We -zamyaztin
Reply 11
Is the English A1 HL paper 2 thread going to be the only exam thread that isn't going to be full of discussion :p:? Considering how we all have different texts from different sections...
Well i seem to be doing totally different to most people!

Handmaids Tale
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Daisy Miller
The Bloody Chamber

I'm just going to glance over them at the weekend and try to memorise some quotes but i'm a drama student so learning lines isnt too difficult for me!

And in response to the person who asked if its ok to paraphrase - my teacher said it is but you also want to try to get some direct quotes in there. They dont have to be word perfect and only need to be a few words. I'm probably just going to use the ones that have already stuck in my mind from studying them like "Ordinary said Aunt Lydia is what you're used to. In time this too will become ordinary" (Handmaids Tale)

I'm not too worried about this exam yet but i'm beginning to feel maybe i should be. That said, we read over some actual essays from last year and were told to give them a grade. We gave them all really low grades and ripped them apart... turned out they all got 7's so it cant be tooooo difficult!!!
And for the paper, just read through the books for you Part 3 and particularly note significant differences or similarities between your books in these areas:

- Characters : Why is a certain character in the book? To convey an author's message? To create a conflict? How are the characters portrayed? Through their actions? What they say? Or what other characters say about them?

- Story/Plot - Note the key incidents. How does the author unfold the plot? Narration?

- Themes - What are the themes? What do they communicate to you, as a reader?? How are themes portrayed? Through symbolism? Through plot? Through characters?

- Setting - Where and when? How is setting of a particular scene for example, portrayed? Is the setting limited, constant, irrelevant, explicit ..? Does it affect the characters in any way ?

This is all I can remember on these four things on..

Other things:
- Plan your essay!! (Intro: Thesis, State point 1, 2, 3, Body 1: Topic statement for point 1, evidence, the effect, relation to thesis .. etc.)
- 1500 words or above will get you a decent essay ?? (Not sure of this)
- Interprete the question in the correct way. Remember Criterion A in the assessment criteria is for the Interpretation of the question. Show that you understand what you have been asked to discuss. For this, you need a thesis statement. A clear one.
- If there is any key word in your question, first define it.
e.g: "How, and to what effect, have strong females been depicted in two or three works you have studied?"
Here, make sure you start off by saying what in YOUR opinion, a strong female is like. Is she full of confidence, resilient with a positive attitude? Define your idea of an ideal strong female.
- DO NOT FORGET to mention the books you are focusing on in your introduction.
- Compare you books simultaneously. It is a comparative essay. Do not make one paragraph for Book 1 for explaining Point 1 and another paragraph for explaining Point 1 again, but for Book 2. Thats like you are writing 2 essays in one! Compare simultaneously.
- COnclude with your thesis statement restated.
- Do not go for that advanced level of vocabulary if you are not sure of the meanings of the words you are putting down. Do not over-complicate this. Be simple and stright forward.

Note: This was all explained by my teacher to me. So, just thought of typing the main things you should note for everyone's benefit.

Please post other tips or guidelines you guys are planning to follow for both the revision and the actual writing of the essay in the exam on Monday. I flunked Paper 1 so badly. I need to pass this Paper with a relatively higher mark. Please post any tips/suggestions etc.

Thanks! :smile:

By the way, I will be doing drama. My books are:
Macbeth - Shakespeare
Importance of being Earnest - Oscar Wilde
A street car Named Desire - Tennesse Williams
Reply 14
I am a bit confused ...I am doing SL A1 english and i know there are two plays that i must use for my exam ..can i use any other novels which i have studied for writing the essay?
I am a bit confused ...I am doing SL A1 english and i know there are two plays that i must use for my exam ..can i use any other novels which i have studied for writing the essay?

If you've got 2 plays, chances are you're doing your part 3 texts from the drama section. Although only 2 seems a bit cruel, because most questions will ask you to reference 1 or 2 plays...

My texts are:
A Doll's House (Ibsen)
Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)
The Rivals (Sheridan)
Othello (Shakespeare)
Reply 16
Our class made "packets" for each book throughout the year containing a lot of information about each book in order to make reviewing for this paper easier. So all I have to do is re-read them several times. Our books are: Chronicle of a Death Foretold, As I lay Dying, Stone Angel, and Belove. However, I am only preparing for Chronicle of a Death Foretold, As I lay Dying, and perhaps Stone Angel. I didn't read Beloved so screw that one lol..
Reply 17
I didn't read Beloved so screw that one lol..

Ohhhhh you should read it though. When the exams are over and stuff. We did it for an oral exam, and it's such a gorgeous book. A bit disturbing in bits, and a bit heavy, but it's incredible.

You can really see why she won the Nobel Prize for Literature for it.
ive got:
- the royal hunt of the sun
- antigone
- rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead
- the island

anyone doing that that wants to give sum sum idvice? :P i think this exam is gonna be rather hard!
Reply 19
I usually like doing commentaries better so I was hoping I'd be more relaxed for Paper 2
But I'm not that confident about my Paper 1 so I really want to do well in paper 2.

We do the Drama section...I really hope we get good questions!
Seems like "Death of a Salesman" is a popular choice, my school's also doing it!..