The Student Room Group
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but generally they don't, and they definitely don't for the courses you've mentioned. Edinburgh is hugely oversubscribed, particularly in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and so they usually hit their quota with no problem.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but generally they don't, and they definitely don't for the courses you've mentioned. Edinburgh is hugely oversubscribed, particularly in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and so they usually hit their quota with no problem.

So much so that you'll struggle to get into some of their courses for an outside course even once you're in the university :frown:
Reply 4
Not for Politics or Social Policy, or any Humanities subject.

But here's the Uni's stance:
- The clearing vacancies from a few years ago were all from the College of Science and Engineering however.

And here's the (most recent) Politics and Social Policy (MA) stats:

And here's the (most recent) Politics and Social Policy (MA) stats:

Bear in mind, that's people who apply to do it combined- the number doing each individually is significantly higher.
Reply 6
last year edinburgh didnt have ANY places in clearing, at all
Reply 7
Bear in mind, that's people who apply to do it combined- the number doing each individually is significantly higher.

Totally right, here they are individually, sorry OP!
- Politics (MA)
- Social Policy degrees listed if you scroll down.
Reply 8
No worries then! Birmingham here I come :borat: