Any help towards the history entrance exam for Aber uni?
Have to answer 2 questions, 45 mins each which kind of shows they want a large answer.
Questions taken from section 1 (6 questions in this section)
“Can history ever be scientific?”
“How should propaganda be researched and written?” Also questions on how historians critically analyse sources and such.
Questions from section 2 (30+ questions in this section):
“Account for the success of the black civil rights movement in 1950s and 1960s”
“Assess the impact of WW2 on women in Britain”
I’m not really sure how to answer the type of questions from section one, and any of my answers will literally be like 2 paragraphs.
I can write a fair enough amount for section two if I get lucky with a good question but again I’m not really going to be able to write loads.