Hi, I'm already in my late 20s and totally useless with women. I've been single and celibate for some years now, and it seems unlikely to change anytime soon.
I'm actually quite sociable, and have a number of friends who I see and go out with regularly. I live in quite a trendy part of London with many places to go out in and young people to meet. However, it seems that women are never attracted to me. I do have the courage to go up and speak to women, but either the conversation dies shortly after or they just don't show any body language that suggests they are attracted to me. If I try to catch a girl's eye, I never get a return look. I do have a number of female friends who have told me that they are baffled as to why I have been single.
I have done many things to help improve my attractiveness. I have lost two stone in weight and bought fashionable clothes. I have heard that part of the problem is that I'm mixed race, balding slightly and not particularly tall, and many women will not support seeing such a guy. I've scoured the various websites run by members of the so-called "Seduction Community" and tried some of the techniques and exercises to no avail. I'm tearing my hair out in frustration, and am starting to think that I am one of those types you hear that are permanently involuntarily celibate.