I’m 24 and have always had a tight foreskin. I recently bit the bullet and went to see my GP as it was getting me down and becoming sore (the skin had split and bled from what I tried stretching it).
I’ve always been against the idea of circumcision and I thought that it would be the only option provided to me when I went to my GP, but I was feeling so low about it that I gave in and kind of accepted that circumcision was the only way forward (not that there is anything wrong with circumcision, I just personally prefer to have a foreskin).
The GP was very understanding and to my surprise he didn’t even mention the word circumcision. I explained that I can’t retract it fully and that the skin had split as a result, and that it was making me feel self conscious and it was uncomfortable. My GP asked if he could see my penis (this was also one of the reasons I had held back from going to the GP for so long), but it wasn’t as near as embarrassing or awkward as I thought, he looked at it for two seconds.
He then advised that I begin by trying a steroid cream (Betamethasone), which is supposed to both loosen and heal damaged skin. He advised to apply around the foreskin twice a day, and to have a follow up appointment in a months time.
I have been applying Betamethasone for 1 and 1/2 days, and I’ve already seen a HUGE improvement. It honestly feels like a miracle!!
The skin has already loosened and I can retract my foreskin nearly all the way back already (I’ve never been able to do that before). The skin isn’t as red as it was before and it’s all healing nicely too from where it split. I honestly can’t believe it! I was so pshyced up about the fact that I was going to have to get it circumcised, and little did I know there was this miracle cream!
If anyone has the same issue, I highly recommend that you visit your GP and ask to try Betamethasone. My confidence has increased massively in just the one and a half days I’ve used it. Instant results... I believe there are also other creams that GPs can prescribe too if Betamethasone doesn’t work.
I really hope this helps another concerned guy out there!!