The Student Room Group

Goldney en suite rooms

I got the accommodation prospectus and for the Goldney Hall description it reads:

"Some rooms have been adapted for students with impairments or disabilities. There are 24 en suite rooms"

Reading through it this caught my eye, as i'm looking at getting an en suite room. Does this mean that the en suite rooms are reserved for people with disabilities or impairments. Or is it just confusing wording.

Reply 1
They will get first priority but if there are any left then they'd be available to anyone.
Reply 2
I would guess that returners get them. Doubt (m)any first-year will get ensuite.

Don't bother though. It's much more expensive and less sociable.
I would guess that returners get them. Doubt (m)any first-year will get ensuite.

Don't bother though. It's much more expensive and less sociable.

I agree entirely - en suite rooms are vastly overrated and ridiculously expensive. Save your money for other stuff!
Reply 4
Totally not necessary to have an ensuite. Ive never had to queue for the bathroom and barely even see anyone in there.
Returners don't get en suite's. There'll be like one returner in each en suite flat, same as all the other flats; the point of returners is to have someone there to help everyone else in the flat settle in, let them know about everything within the hall.

You really don't need an en suite in Goldney; in our flat of 8 there were two separate shower rooms with toilets, a separate toilet and a room with just a bath in it. The en suite blocks are also separated from the quad, which is where all the fun stuff happens; has a nice little community feel and people hang out outside and stuff.
Reply 6
Well this has convinced me not to apply for en suite. I'll save my money for food and drink...=D
Reply 7
There are several reasons against an en suite:

1.Yes the en suites are a little detached from the main block bit which I cant imagine does much for them in social terms. Zoom in on Google Earth or something...

2.organised_chaos is correct. My block has two showers and a bath so it is only on a few times that I have had to wait for one. It can also lead to you living in your room if you have an ensuite.

3.They are also very expensive and I dont mind having to open a door walk and walk about three steps before opening another door if that saves me hundreds of pounds. By the second and third years you will need that money!

On a slightly dull aside one person on my course in one of those awkward freshers week conversations boasted that he had an ensuite room. No I mean really boasting. Don't do this as you will just look a complete idiot.
Reply 8

3.They are also very expensive and I dont mind having to open a door walk and walk about three steps before opening another door if that saves me hundreds of pounds. By the second and third years you will need that money! have to walk and open doors? Hang on a second. That sound like a leeeeetle too much like hard work for my liking. Why on earth would anybody not pay the extra few measly hundred pounds to forgo the agony that you have described? That's maybe an extra 5 seconds of exerting yourself. I am having serious second thoughts now. :p:
Reply 9
wow reading through the prospectus again the Goldney en suite rooms are 116 now :eek: . Thats like a 2 pint a week price rise. Cheers people i'll be sharing your bathrooms next year.
Reply 10
How likely are you to get an en-suite room in Goldney if you apply on the first day!
Reply 11
It's not based on first come first serve. They have a different system at Bristol than at a lot of unis.
Reply 12
All applications go to a central head office, then sent out to first and then second choice halls.