Hi all,
I currently suffer from depression (which at one point was severe depression), which in previous years made me eligible for 25% extra time.
Obviously now they've tightened up the rules this condition only allows you to have rest breaks at most, and I could only have extra time if I scored sufficiently low in a series of processing speed tests.
So I sat the test thinking it was a complete waste of time (because I'm not dyslexic or anything) and got the results back, um, I failed it? (i.e. I'm awarded 25% extra time).
Does anyone here have 25% extra time and sat any of these tests? I had to repeat and recall stuff from audio. I couldn't go any higher than 6 digits when repeating numbers, and from some reason I struggled on identifying words from sounds. I'm concerned about this and I'm worried whether or not I have underlying condition that I'm unaware of?
Does anyone here have extra time and not have dyslexia/dyspraxia etc?