The Student Room Group

Term dates and vacations at Sheffield Hallam

Hey, I'm thinking of doing a course starting this autumn and just wondering whenabouts the holiday periods fall and how long they last for christmas and easter?

I'm hoping to go on holiday for 3 or 4 weeks, so it'd be good to find out well in advance :smile:
Reply 1
There's often exams in January you know!
Reply 2
There's often exams in January you know!

not for me - its a coursework-only part-time masters!

So I only do about 1 module per semester so should be able to keep on top of work
Reply 3
not for me - its a coursework-only part-time masters!

So I only do about 1 module per semester so should be able to keep on top of work

Ahh fair enough!

Well, I can't find the 08/09 ones - only 07/08 but it gives you an idea I suppose.

My course starts on the 22nd this year I know that much :smile:

And for courses that do have exams, there's also extra weeks within the terms for study I believe. Mine has this at least but it's also got a longer academic year.

Not sure how that might affect you though.
Reply 4
ah cool thanks a lot :smile:

Not as long as I'd hoped - we got a month at Leeds Uni! Ah well, not going to uni to go on holiday I guess!
Reply 5
Well, the month could've been including "Study leave" too!
Reply 6
These are the official term dates but at christmas you have two weeks study leave, one week before and one week after so you do infact get four weeks unofficially. Depending on your course you will have a study week mid semester as well. I hope this helps!!

I was previously on a radiography course at Hallam and the holidays are those as stated on the Hallam web page though you get one weeks study period after the christmas holidays and one or two weeks at the end of April beginning of May depending on when your exams are.:smile:
Reply 7
Hi Tht really helps because i want to get one week more after Christmas holidays. But it says on term dates tht it will open on 8 January nxt year. Can they give us 1 more week holidays? Thanks

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