The Student Room Group
Power Station Simulator, University of Strathclyde
University of Strathclyde

Strathclyde Accommodation

Basically, I have accepted my place to go to Strathclyde Uni to do EEE, and at my interview was told that, as I lived in Stirling, I would definitely be guaranteed halls in my first year.

However, when I emailed the Student Accommodation people, they told me that I lived about 2.5 miles too close to Strathclyde to get guaranteed halls

They've told me that I could get halls if there was any left after they'd given out the ones to the guaranteed people, but I'm thinking that by the time they tell me whether or not I've got halls (after the Higher results come out), it'll be starting to be too late to find private halls.

Any advice?
Reply 1
Haven't you already posted this thread before?

There are always people looking for flatmates if you're willing to rent privately. If not then you'll just have to hope that you get into Strathy halls or Unite ones.
Power Station Simulator, University of Strathclyde
University of Strathclyde
Reply 2
I hadn't really, just mentioned it in the Strathclyde Applicants thread and thought I'd ask for any advice seeing as I've heard people saying that they knew people from Glasgow itself who had managed to get halls

Doesn't matter I'll try other places
I think that you should start looking at the private accomodation places near the uni. By the way UNITE has a bad reputation...ive never lived in thier accomodation myself but have never heard anyone say anything positive about their accomodation so just make sure that you do your research before you go.
Reply 4
Well I've spoken to people who've stayed in UNITE and have found it good, so I'm going for that, it seems the best deal for me

I've decided on it and am staying in Blackfriars UNITE
Reply 5
Well I've spoken to people who've stayed in UNITE and have found it good, so I'm going for that, it seems the best deal for me

I've decided on it and am staying in Blackfriars UNITE

I am un-decided between Unite Buchanan view & Victoria Hall, did you look at Vicotira Hall? Blackfriars is the slighly more expensive one isnt it, I never considered that one because it cost more but might be worth a look.

Reply 6
blackfriars is supposed to be really nice but I really couldn't afford it. well i could but would rather have the money for other things
Reply 7
The reason I went for it is how close it was to Strathclyde, and I could just afford it

I suppose tis just priorities for things, I may regret it when I have less money for other things, but we shall just have to see.

I didn't look at victoria hall much, mainly due to the fact that it's a fair way from Strathclyde
Reply 8
The reason I went for it is how close it was to Strathclyde, and I could just afford it

I suppose tis just priorities for things, I may regret it when I have less money for other things, but we shall just have to see.

I didn't look at victoria hall much, mainly due to the fact that it's a fair way from Strathclyde

I thought they were about a equal distance away from strahcycle just in opposite directions, im probely wrong though.
Reply 9
Okay, now I look more carefully, they're not too different, distance-wise, but I think Blackfriars is a bit closer
Reply 10
Blackfriars has more strathy students as well so its more 'strathy halls' like. I had great times there, especially alton towers with people from the building before freshers lol
I'm going into 2nd year in September and I'm going into Blackfriars. I did a fair bit of research into it and Blackfriars is definately a better bet than Victoria Halls, I think its newer but the main reason is with Blackfriars, although it may seem more expensive it doesn't have any of the hidden costs that Victoria Halls does. What you pay each month is for everything, electricity, basic internet etc. but in Victoria Halls you have a electricity usage limit i think and you pay for anything over and above that limit.

distance wise it really depends on the subject your doing probably. I'm doing Architecture and last year i was rarely in any building except the Architecture building which also turned out to be the one closest to Strathy halls and thankfully Blackfriars.
I'm in the same boat as the OP, as living in Kilmarnock I'm about 1 mile within their stupid 25 mile radius rule. So I never really had a chance, even after pointing out to the woman on the phone that there are places 30+ miles away that you can get to Glasgow quicker from.

Anyway, after finally being told today I've definitely got no chance of getting Strathy halls, I need to go to plan B, which is Blackfriars, Buchanan View or Victoria Halls.

Only thing I need to know is if there's a lot of first years in these places, since I don't really want to be stuck in a flat with people who all already have their own friends, ain't interested in freshers week etc.

I take it these companies don't take the caring approach the uni does? Getting you to fill out a form stating your interests so they can put you with folk they think you'll be friends with. Take it they just grab your cash and fire you in the first space available.

Blackfriars, although it may seem more expensive it doesn't have any of the hidden costs that Victoria Halls does

About the hidden costs, are there really £800 worth? Cos that's how much Blackfriars costs extra compared to Victoria Halls over the year.

The distance isn't really a factor either as it's only like an extra 500m according to google maps. So is the newness worth £800?
Reply 13
With my application for Blackfriars, they got me to say whether I was male/female, smoker/non-smoker, vegetarian/non-vegetarian, and whether I wanted to share with male/female/both and my preferences for the other questions, and which year people I'd rather share with

You then go to a menu giving you the answers to the previous questions of the people already booked for each of the flats, and which ones have rooms left. So when I booked, I knew that I'd be staying with two girls and one guy, all 1st years.

So basically, you do get to see what year people you'll be sharing with, so it did seem pretty good

And I've been talking to people who have stayed in Blackfriars and absolutely loved it

So as far as I can see, I've made a pretty good choice!
About the hidden costs, are there really £800 worth? Cos that's how much Blackfriars costs extra compared to Victoria Halls over the year.

Is the difference really that much? didn't realise that. I suppose it would depend if you use a lot of electricity and use the PAYG landline they provide a lot. Also not sure what internet services Vic Halls provides and whether u have to pay for it, can't remember.