The Student Room Group

What school do you go to? Private or State schools?

Well the title explains the question i wish to put to the users on here. I know it is a bit random and maybe an odd question but I think it is nessecary in order to accurately assess the context of the other posts on the forum. I refer mainly to the predicted grades thread. I go to a State school in Portsmouth and some of the grades mentioned in that thread will have never been heard of in a school such as mine. I was just wondering why that is? Maybe people choose this forum as a vent for their imaginations? Maybe I go to a particualry thick school? Maybe it is only the people who are predicted the top grades that are willing to share them? All a bit much for a first post I suppose but I have just come accross this forum and the predicted grades thread did suprise me somewhat due to the lack of 'average' student posts contained in it. Penny for your thoughts on this.

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I go to a poor school, but good grades are still heard of. There just seem to be extremes in both directions.
Education, unfortunately, is more a result of ones school than oneself. But if you do well from a 'bad' school, then you should be very proud of yourself! I am slightly strange in this respect -- firstly I went to a state school, then after a few years I went to a private school which closed after 2 years due to lack of students, so I went to another private school until AS- and A-Levels, which I did at a state college!
Reply 3
This has been done so many times it is not true.

Meh. I go to State school. There are people at my school predicted AAA or even AAAA, but they are rare.
I go to a state school, where the average results are probably a mixtrure of As and Bs.
Welcome :smile:

I went to a private school after a year in state education in year 7.
I became an increasingly average student during my time there and ended up with AAABBBBBBCC at GCSE.

It does make me feel a bit guilty that my parents paid so much money for me to go there and I only came away with three A's tbh.

An important point to note is the difference between private schools and grammar schools. Grammar schools constantly push students for the high grades, where as private schools (if they are anything like mine) don't care as much, so long as you pay the fees.
I go to a normal state school. At my school we get 65% 5 A*-C so a pretty good school but no where near perfect, and yeah i am a bit unsure of those people who say they are predicted 15 A*s etc lol. Im sure some people are that clever, but I wonder why there seems to be so many of them?? I am predicted like 8 As and 5 Bs and this is very good at my school.
Reply 7
I go to an average comprehensive
although i do live in surrey and have a lot of private school friends
I don't personally think that your school makes that much difference to your grades
if your naturally clever or a hardworker you'll do well where ever you are
Of course, private schools often have higher averages because they can be selective
I think a lot of my privately educated friends were shocked that iam friends with several people with sever learning difficultites
I think the reason TSR has so many people with high grades because the majority of people who use it are looking at higher eductation and are concerned more with their work than your average person
i just posted signed in as my brother
what a pickel
so it's less to do with the actual school, I think people would have done the same anywhere.

No offence but I think it would be hard for you to judge that having not experienced the teaching level anywhere but a grammar school?
my school is a pretty crappy school but guaranteed there will be 1/2 people with close to straight a*s at gcse.
Grammar schools push you, but they sure don't have the facilities for us to do well - we certainley don't have a lot of money!
You might be able to tell by that that I go to a grammar school, so it's pretty much A* and A, but it's only because the people at the school are bright - so it's less to do with the actual school, I think people would have done the same anywhere.

Even though they had an entrance exam at my old school, there were a lot of people who ended up with D's and less at GCSE. Not as selective as you might think. It was a strange school really.
Reply 12
a private school, average 76% A/A* at GCSE over the last 5 years. the pressure to do well is exceedingly high.
I've been in private education since reception- in one school R-yr6 and another yr7-yr11. In September I'm starting my A-Levels at a mixed comprehensive unless I get a last minute place at the Grammar school. My current school (private) is slightly above average- the worst GCSE results I've heard of are: 2 B's and 8'C's but at the other end of the scale normally at least one person gets 10 A*'s. And the quality of teacher varies enormously. We aren't pushed that hard.
intelligent kids will get good grades where ever they go. Whereas not so intelligent kids perform much better in private schools. This is fact.

I feel though intelligent kids are not pushed enough in state education, i would like to think that if i had gone to private school i would have been pushed a little more instead of wasting so many years sitting in class rooms where the level of teaching is aimed at below average pupils
when/if i have kids i think that i will send my kids to state school for primary school so they get a better picture of scoiety and they dont feel as spoiled.

Problem is with private school is that it is a very skewed outlook on society and some people there are very spoiled etc - i wouldnt want my kids to be one of those type people.
private school. :smile:
I went to state primary, changed to private in year 9 when the school was closer, and I'll be going back to state for college. I like my school at the moment, there's more opportunities to do extra things except sport, but there are a few people with no idea of the real world and who are quite spoilt.
I go to a low performing state school. 50% A-C at GCSE.
I go to a low performing state school. 50% A-C at GCSE.

Low? Try 36% here lol