The Student Room Group

Guys...would naturally hairy women really put you off?!

Anon, obviously!


just wanted your opinions on something that's been bugging/depressing me for a while.

I'm olive skinned with black hair, and while I don't consider myself hairier than your average girl, it's just soooo much more noticeable :frown: :frown: :frown:

I've never ever shaved in my life, always waxed/epilated/Veeted it off. I normally do the usual, like legs and underarms but also my arms every 6-8 weeks as well.

My mum has to thread my upper lip too.

But the biggest problem is by FAR my back and stomach hair, oh god. It's very fine hair but it's black and looks awful...waxing there really hurts, and it's very very time consuming. I have a treasure trail :mad:, not good!!
I've never worn a bikini because of it, even though I (supposedly) have quite a nice figure.

It just gets on my nerves, and I'm not quite sure how to go about removing the hair on my back and stomach...
I'm asking this because I'm thinking of the times when it may get a bit more intimate between me and my bf..
so guys, would it really bother you? Or if you really liked the girl would you just let it blow over, provided she was smooth everywhere else?
And girls, how do those of you in the same situation cope?

thank you :redface:

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Reply 1
it would put me off...unless you were really really really really fit.
Have you considered laser treatment
Im sort of like that. although im quite fair i get dark hair sometimes grrrrrrrr.

i wax :smile:. and it may hurt but tis worth it methinks.

my b/f never seems to have noticed anyway :biggrin:
How about bleaching?
Reply 5
The Black Chuck Norris
Have you considered laser treatment

Ack, it's expensive and my mum won't let me at the moment as she's a beautician and says that the treatment's not "advanced enough" yet :frown: :mad:

When I'm older, yeah!

I just don't know what t do for the time being though :s-smilie: And my so-called friend spread rumours about my hairyness to all my guy mates and now they all take the piss :frown: :frown: :frown:
it's not as if it's by choice!!
Reply 6
The Black Chuck Norris
Have you considered laser treatment

apparently thats quite worse than waxing but its worth a shot if you are really self-conscious about it.
How old are you then OP?
I don't have the problem with back hair or upper lip hair, but everything else I can sympathise with... I shave my legs and underarms obv, but i've never wanted to shave my arms (too awkward/will look worse when it grows back). My boyfriend thinks my treasure trail is cute, but i tweeze it (preferably during or just after a bath/shower!) cos I get self-conscious about it...
just shave it with a shaver when u know you will be getting intimate, and anyway when your all wrapped up in the moment' that will be the last thing on his mind!

I personally can't stand hairiness and I would get rid of it to boost my confidence
How about bleaching?

ooo noooo! you can always tell so obviously when a girl has bleached and it looks bad, well in myt opinion anyway

i would gop for wax on back, and belly i'm not sure wax would hurt....
I don't think it would bother me tbh, unless you looked like a Wookie

In all honesty though, I think I'd be fine with it - it's not really a big deal to me.
Reply 12
Damn I hope you shave your pubes, be like a chinese nun otherwise. Au naturale is not cool.
you can get hair removal creams, they don't hurt, not very time consuming although most of them stink
I'm like famous in my Sixth Form for my hairy shoulders.

Yeah, it's annoying, especially when I want to wear strappy tops, but if someone makes a comment about it (unless they're my friends, and they're just saying it in a jokey way) I just ignore them- obviously their lives are so boring that my shoulder hair is the most interesting thing going on for them.

I even get hairs on my chin and neck, because I've got the same sort of complexion as you, OP. I shave where I can, but otherwise I just leave it. My ex never complained, and if a guy didn't go out with me purely because of my body hair, well, that just saves me from going out with some saddo, shallow guy. :biggrin:
Damn I hope you shave your pubes, be like a chinese nun otherwise. Au naturale is not cool.

I realise your signature might explain it already, but you don't always have to be so shallow.
hair removal cream coul work for your back and stomach if waxing is too painfull, although im sure its not nearly as bad as you think it is
Reply 17
OP ignore all this.

Getting rid of the hair on your back and stomach is a terrible idea. Men never notice anyway.

I waxed my stomach once and it came back a little more noticable. Just leave it, relax and stop wasting valuable time worrying about it! You're obviously above average anyway, stop trying to conform to a ridiculous "hairless ideal". You'll probably put men off more so by paranoia than the actual hair.
yess go for "nair for sensitive skin" or something on your tummy, i guess it would work on your back too. Makes suchhh a difference, and no razor bumps (you can totally tell when poeple have shaved and waxing is expensive).
yess go for "nair for sensitive skin" or something on your tummy, i guess it would work on your back too. Makes suchhh a difference, and no razor bumps (you can totally tell when poeple have shaved and waxing is expensive).

thats the one i used on my legs! it worked, but the smell took me ages to get rid off