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16 and never dated

well i'm 16 n never dated, i attend a girls school and never had a boyfriend...i'm not a lesbian or anything, it may be cause i dont hang around with boys....just asking what age did u first date and does not having a B.F still at the age of 16 make u weird? LOL :s-smilie: people r like have u ad a B.F and i say no and their like awwwwwwwwwwwww? :redface:

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I know people that are 19/20 and haven't dated. 16 is a good age to start, not weird at all. Don't feel the need to rush into anything.
i had my first b/f when i was 17.. sometimes it just takes a while to find someone special.
Nothing wrong with that! I haven't too, but I think some girls will actually find that more attractive!
silly thread. I didn't date anyone til I was 17!
Reply 5
I'm 20 and never been on a date.
There's no defining age of which you must start dating.
silly. i had my first boyfriend at 15 but i dont really count that as a real relationship because we didnt really connect with eachother and it only lasted 3 weeks. my first real relationship was when i was 16. I know plenty of people who are 17/18 and still havent been in a real relationship.

you have plenty of time to get started
Reply 8
18, Dated but never been in a seerious relationship.
im 16 and i think ive only ever been in 1 proper relationship
Reply 10
18 and never dated

and no excuse like single sex school either

i'd like that in a girl tbh though
i go to an all girls school and i thought i wud never date til i go uni (currently in yr 12) but then randomly met someone and hit if off from there. tbh enjoy while ur single and wen someone finds u it'll be special. my advice, dont go looking for anyone just go with the flow
Reply 12
I'm 18 and never dated, just get over it! :rolleyes:
Reply 13
If you want to date, PM me your contact details and measurements :wink:

Nah, but really, I didnt start having any real interest in girls until I was about 15, and didnt get my first girlfriend until I was 16, which lasted a coupla months before she emigrated, and since then nothing serious (I've just turned 18).

So don't feel worried that you aint dating, everyone has their time, and yours hasn't come yet.
Im 18 and only dated one guy for a month, had ongoing flirtations with a few people, nothing serious. I think unless you meet the true mr right, there's no need to worry about getting serious until you're at least in your mid-20s. Obviously there are exceptions but I think between the ages 16 and 22 it's the time to have fun and play around without having to worry about loyalties....
... seriously, no biggy. I'm 19, haven't, and don't think I've lost anything or been wierd with this.
17 and no it doesn't make you weird.
Reply 17
16 is the average age to have a girl/boyfriend. I had my first girlfriend this year, and i'm 16.. and I know people who are 16 and never dated.
Reply 18
I'm 17 and i haven't been on a date or even anywhere close to one!
And like you most of friends have one and i go to a girls school but it doesn't bother me.
At the moment i would much rather get myself into a good uni by working at my a levels and not having a bf as i distraction.. when i'll have plenty of time for that after my exams/in uni.
So don't worry about it!!
Reply 19
I'm 19, never had a bf etc and only ever kissed 1 guy. And tbh I'm not bothered by it...