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Buggered up badly at work

Lately I have been finding that doing the most simplest things are hard. Now, if you give me anything technical to do on a computer, I can do it with ease - from complex programming to design; my degree dicipline is in the former. ..and I am doing well in it. However, I have real trouble in doing simple things such as mental arithmatic when dealing with change, or just trying to remember orders that customers give me. My short term memory is terrible.

Just now, 3-4 customers came in at one time, I was not prepared for it. My photocopying machine jammed up, so for one customer I couldnt complete her order (and god did she give me a massive order involving it), another wanted photocopying done and basically I had to turn him away given the circumstance - he also wanted me to fax something for him, which I did. The final customer asked if she recieved her fax, I went to fetch it, and she had one grin on her face throughout the time I was serving her. It as a complete and utter nightmare. To make matters worse, as I was so flustered and in a bad moment, with the customer that asked me for the **** load of photocopying, I accidently gave her the wrong price! (80p cheaper) :rolleyes: (realised after everything had calmed down what had happened)

The main problem I had, definenly had to be from me becoming really nervous and that my memory was so the point where I would forget quickly what the customer had ordered.

I'm pretty scared that I might get the sack now, even though for the most part (anything computing related) I have done a really really good job. Don't know what to do, really annoyed, the boss was out he will be back soon, should I tell him what happened? And has anyone got any tips on how to improve short term memory, thanks.
OP: Maybe telling your boss might be a good idea as s/he might be able to help you out also when they come to do their tills and find that they are short, its best to come clean than them find out that way!

Also my brain too has become quite bad in remembering things, so I write things down to help me remember but also sometimes family and friends remind me otherwise I will completely forget.

Hope that helps.
Just apologise and offer to have whatever costs have been incurred because of your cock up taken out of your wages - I highly doubt your boss would take it anyway, but it shows that you're willing to accept responsibility.

Try keeping a notepad with you for when you've got a fair bit to remember. I have to write everything down at work or it's gone from my head in about ten seconds.
Reply 3
hmm i wouldnt stress yourself out anymore over it. i would explain to your boss what hapenned, how the copier jammed up etc. im sure if your doing a good job he'll be ok (unless he's a real ****). with your memory issue maybe trying to be more organised in your work area could help firstly when customers come in, other than that there are techniques apparently to help improve memory, give the net a search.
Reply 4
I'm not sure whether you should tell the didn't exactly majorly screw up or anything.

At my last job, I accidentally sent out an email saying that one of our plants was closing to a contact there...and they didn't know about it. :s
It doesn't sound that bad, you undercharged someone by 80p, that's no biggie. I'm sure your boss has faith in you otherwise they wouldn't leave you alone to deal with the customers so sacking you for a bad 5 mins would be a bit harsh. Someone else said about a notebook for your memory and I think that is a good idea, if you write down what they want then you can go back to it if you forget. Also, if your mental arithmetic is that bad why not use a calculator?
Reply 6
Try training your memory, I have to remember orders of 8 drinks or so on average at work, whereas when I started working, I could barely remember 3.
Reply 7
The title of this thread makes my eyes water
Reply 8
Customer who gave me a **** load of photo-copying came in again, this time with another massive stack. Photocopier was playing up again, I kept my cool and startied to think logically why it was not working and then FINALLY I got it to work...what a sense of relieve.
Reply 9
Definitely tell your boss, we had a girl get fired at work for her till being down twice; I knew her well and I don’t think she was the sort of person who would steal so perhaps she had the same problem as you. If you talk about it with your boss he might be able to help you and you won’t get accused of anything.

Also, writing orders down would be a good idea, it might take a little longer but I’m sure customers would rather have a very slightly slower service than be short changed or get the wrong order etc. The time it takes for you to write it down will also give you a moment remind yourself to stay calm and that there’s no need to get flustered, I think it could be a good solution.