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Extended Project - History Ideas ?


Next year, Im going to be doing the Edexcel Extended Projects. It basically, involves the student planning, preparing, researhing and producing a single piece of work upto 5,000 words. In addtion, depending on the topic it can be: a design, report , dissertation performance etc.. It is equavialent to an As.

I've decided I want to do, something relating to history, however, I amreally stuck as to what speacific topic I should researh.

So I was wondering, if anyone could offer any suggestions as to what would be intresting area to reasearch. I need to pick a topic, soon as me and my supervisor (my history teacher), need to come to a question, I need to answer.

Just to inform, at As History, Im doing Germany 1918-1939, and would like to pick a topic away from this, as I want to show Unis, that I can reaserch and produce a dissertation, away from my college programme.


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Im doing Edexcel History A2 but im no doing im not doing the coursework or this subject but if i were doing this I would find something really different to do it on. I would be tempted to do it on Napoleon but its quite popular but perhaps not. I would be interested in researching these questions:

1. Had Eva Peron truly become the 'Spiritual Leader of the Nation' by the time of her death?


2. To what extent did the purchase of commisions affect the fighting power of the British army between 1760-1860?


3. Was blacksmithery and lock making the limit of Louis XVI's talent?

I could go on for ages thinking up more because there are only a couple of periods i really wouldnt want to do this on, those three questions are the areas im most interested in atm (for A2 im doing the Tudors and Restored Bourbon France)
Im doing Edexcel History A2 but im no doing im not doing the coursework or this subject but if i were doing this I would find something really different to do it on. I would be tempted to do it on Napoleon but its quite popular but perhaps not. I would be interested in researching these questions:

1. Had Eva Peron truly become the 'Spiritual Leader of the Nation' by the time of her death?


2. To what extent did the purchase of commisions affect the fighting power of the British army between 1760-1860?


3. Was blacksmithery and lock making the limit of Louis XVI's talent?

I could go on for ages thinking up more because there are only a couple of periods i really wouldnt want to do this on, those three questions are the areas im most interested in atm (for A2 im doing the Tudors and Restored Bourbon France)

Ahh... thanks for the suggestions mate, really helpful.

Also, this is not part of my subject or coursework. Its a part of the new diplomas, that my college are offering to current As students. As i want, to do History at Uni, I thought this would be really good for PS / interviews !

The Extended Project is a Level 3 qualification, the equivalent size to an AS Level, taking up to 180 guided learning hours comprising 100 per cent internal assessment on a topic of the learner’s choice, negotiated with the teacher. The Extended Project is a standalone qualification, but is also part of the Advanced (Level 3) Diploma. It can be taken over one or two years.
Sounds really interesting, i wish i had had chance to do that. What period are u thinking about atm?
Sounds really interesting, i wish i had had chance to do that. What period are u thinking about atm?

Yes, I think will help so much, making the transiton from A-level, to Uni, as teachers cannot give any suppor, only set a queston, which means its totally independent research.

I am still undecided on what spacifc topic to look at. Its been hinted to me, that Unis would be impressed by researh on China.

So Im looking, at Maoist China. Other than that, maybe the Spanish Civil War.

Ahh... I seriuosly don't don't know. Other times, I fancy Ancient topics: such as the Romans, or sometimes I get the feeling to look at stuart or medieval history.

Really stuck; I don't have long to select a topic either !
Reply 5
Yes, I think will help so much, making the transiton from A-level, to Uni, as teachers cannot give any suppor, only set a queston, which means its totally independent research.

I am still undecided on what spacifc topic to look at. Its been hinted to me, that Unis would be impressed by researh on China.

So Im looking, at Maoist China. Other than that, maybe the Spanish Civil War.

Ahh... I seriuosly don't don't know. Other times, I fancy Ancient topics: such as the Romans, or sometimes I get the feeling to look at stuart or medieval history.

Really stuck; I don't have long to select a topic either !

Honestly don't do a research on China because you think it might help for unis. Except if your aiming for something like SOAS they won't really care. I also get a feeling China is now starting to be the 'mainstream cool "alternative"' thing to do.

Try really to look at something which will interest you throughout the project or you might lose interest right in the middle. Plus, anything on China will mean looking at primary sources which might be in Chinese (although I'm not sure how many of these you really need at your level).

I'd start off by asking a couple of questions:

- Is there any preferred period you like reading on? (background knowledge is essential for a good conducted research)

- Do you prefer political, social, economic,intellectual... history? Although I'm aware at your level it might not really matter as everything is pretty much mixed up, its pretty interesting to know, to see if you are more interested into political or 'elites' history and would therefore like to concentrate more on the history of a political party, ruler, elections etc.... or rather broad social movements (peasantry, workers, women...?) If your taking modules in economics or sociology or psychology you could always go on for something interdisciplinary which is always a good thing (if done well of course)

There is such a broad range of things you can do in history you need to start reducing your choices.
Start off with maybe a region (Europe, Asia, America etc...) and a period (even if quite broad: Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Contemporary...take something you are most comfortable in)
From there start sketching out some main themes which come to your mind
Honestly don't do a research on China because you think it might help for unis. Except if your aiming for something like SOAS they won't really care. I also get a feeling China is now starting to be the 'mainstream cool "alternative"' thing to do.

Try really to look at something which will interest you throughout the project or you might lose interest right in the middle. Plus, anything on China will mean looking at primary sources which might be in Chinese (although I'm not sure how many of these you really need at your level).

I'd start off by asking a couple of questions:

- Is there any preferred period you like reading on? (background knowledge is essential for a good conducted research)

- Do you prefer political, social, economic,intellectual... history? Although I'm aware at your level it might not really matter as everything is pretty much mixed up, its pretty interesting to know, to see if you are more interested into political or 'elites' history and would therefore like to concentrate more on the history of a political party, ruler, elections etc.... or rather broad social movements (peasantry, workers, women...?) If your taking modules in economics or sociology or psychology you could always go on for something interdisciplinary which is always a good thing (if done well of course)

There is such a broad range of things you can do in history you need to start reducing your choices.
Start off with maybe a region (Europe, Asia, America etc...) and a period (even if quite broad: Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Contemporary...take something you are most comfortable in)
From there start sketching out some main themes which come to your mind

Thank you, that is really helpful. :smile:
Reply 7
Thank you, that is really helpful. :smile:

No problem :wink: If you need anything else let me know :wink:
Reply 8
So Im looking, at Maoist China. Other than that, maybe the Spanish Civil War.

This isn't relevent but I'm choosing between exactly these for my project :biggrin: Just had to tell someone because it freaked me out :L
Reply 9
Original post by AandJ123
So Im looking, at Maoist China. Other than that, maybe the Spanish Civil War.

This isn't relevent but I'm choosing between exactly these for my project :biggrin: Just had to tell someone because it freaked me out :L
Reply 10
honestly I'd advise you to do something you're really interested in- what do you find yourself reseaching/reading/watching programmes about? what topics do you find yourself wishing you would study in school? what do you want to tell other people about?

I'm also doing a history-based EPQ, and as my personal interests lie in 20th century history, political and social history, culture and music, I decided to write mine on the birth of the punk movement in the 1970s.

The more interested you are in your topic, the more motivation you will have to do it well, believe me!
Original post by g_star_raw_1989

Its been hinted to me, that Unis would be impressed by researh on China.

So Im looking, at Maoist China. Other than that, maybe the Spanish Civil War.

Honestly, I wouldn't choose your research topic on the basis of what universities will be impressed by; they'll be far more impressed by an excellently thought out essay on a topic for which you are passionate. Also, out of China and the SCW I'd suggest the latter- even if only because there are far more sources (and more readily available in translation, assuming you don't read Mandarin :P )
Original post by Heliocentric
Honestly, I wouldn't choose your research topic on the basis of what universities will be impressed by; they'll be far more impressed by an excellently thought out essay on a topic for which you are passionate. Also, out of China and the SCW I'd suggest the latter- even if only because there are far more sources (and more readily available in translation, assuming you don't read Mandarin :P )
LOL.I made that post in 2008 and I'm on the verge of graduating uni now but thanks anyway.
Original post by g_star_raw_1989
LOL.I made that post in 2008 and I'm on the verge of graduating uni now but thanks anyway.

This made me laugh...
Original post by Agenda Suicide
This made me laugh...

Me too.

Really need to disconnect TSR from my email inbox.
Reply 15
I want to do an extended project on a topic that links together both History and Politics, but in particular History any ideas or possible questions? (I am about to start my A2 History and the course is on Russia and its Rulers and coursework on Elizabeth I.

Reply 16
Hmm im about to start A2 and im doing this over summer but Im still not sure what to pick :P
Original post by e.yes
I want to do an extended project on a topic that links together both History and Politics, but in particular History any ideas or possible questions? (I am about to start my A2 History and the course is on Russia and its Rulers and coursework on Elizabeth I.


Original post by jada897
Hmm im about to start A2 and im doing this over summer but Im still not sure what to pick :P

Why do people keep finding this thread from years ago? Create a new one and you're much more likely to get responses an help that is centred around you :P

I have an A* for the Extended project qualification, so if anybody still wants help, you're more than welcome to send me a message. I covered the area of history and politics.
Reply 18
Hi, sorry a little off topic but can anyone give me suggestions on EPQ questions which combine Law and History?
I'm not sure which of the two i want to do at uni so i want to do an EPQ topic which is good for both subjects.
(also i cba to start new thread :smile: )
(edited 11 years ago)
Reply 19
Original post by g_star_raw_1989

Next year, Im going to be doing the Edexcel Extended Projects. It basically, involves the student planning, preparing, researhing and producing a single piece of work upto 5,000 words. In addtion, depending on the topic it can be: a design, report , dissertation performance etc.. It is equavialent to an As.

I've decided I want to do, something relating to history, however, I amreally stuck as to what speacific topic I should researh.

So I was wondering, if anyone could offer any suggestions as to what would be intresting area to reasearch. I need to pick a topic, soon as me and my supervisor (my history teacher), need to come to a question, I need to answer.

Just to inform, at As History, Im doing Germany 1918-1939, and would like to pick a topic away from this, as I want to show Unis, that I can reaserch and produce a dissertation, away from my college programme.


I recently did my own project on Che Guevara, exploring his character to try figure out what triggered him to become a revolutionary in Latin America- this was interesting!
Latin America is really fascinating to do a project on you could focus on Fidel Castro/Eva Peron/the cold war/cuban missile crisis etc
The middle east- you could research the never ending palestinian/israel conflict
The salem witch hunts/trials would also be interesting I think!
I would a part of the world which interests you and choose a period of history from there! Then decide whether you want to focus on a social/political or religious aspect!
Good Luck!